PHP 7 > PHP 5.6 > PHP 5.5 > PHP 5.4 > PHP 5.3...
Just a heads up if you're thinking about using Cloudflare's Universal SSL certificates. The free plan uses ECC 256 bit ECDSA based SSL...
heads up Chrome 39+ browser will start to downgrade the trustworthiness of SSL certificates which use older SHA-1 signatures. So you'd want to...
Looks good to me :D
nice read as to why they are moving to discourse and why it's taking a long time
looks like a newsletter sending addon ?
I'd love to have more long term Centmin Mod LEMP stack users who are well versed in Centmin Mod sign up on my forums and participate . I know...
yup but only because they dropped the law suit
it's a custom software written in ColdFusion Markup Language by the forum owner, Simon Wright
yeah will be interesting see how this plays out
But I guess with Google adding https SSL to ranking signal, over time more advertisers within Adsense would themselves move to https SSL compliant...
FYI, Mandrill's guide for bounced email handling including...
thanks updated instructions and version to .07
updated instructions along with with updated yum install instructions to include unzip and nano packages
eva2000 updated How To Install Centmin Mod Nginx Web Stack with a new update entry: yum update Read the rest of this update entry...
another thing to check is if your IP addresses are clean and not on spam blacklists Mandrill has...
Valid SPF text records for the domain is start. I posted a bit about SPF text on lower half of my page at...
Mandrill for me :)
Centmin Mod 1.2.3-eva2000.07 stable build has finally been released after 6 months of work and testing. Probably, the most significant of updates...
eva2000 updated How To Install Centmin Mod Nginx Web Stack with a new update entry: .07 stable release Read the rest of this update entry...
Separate names with a comma.