On the forums homepage it no longer says what thread the last post of a forum was in. Which sucks. <off topic> I am now using Windows XP, which...
*aliensoup looks on as bob runs* *alien sets about fixing the bob shaped hole in the wall*
hehe, thanks for the warm welcome guys!!
LoL, most of you knew I was a mod before I did .. :) Hehehe, thanks for the warm welcome guys. :)
congrats guys!
congrats dudes! that was quick wasn't it corey, a forum member two weeks and now an admin :) hehehe, you deserve it bro .. corey is an...
I missed this one, had a lot of work. I'm fine dude, just been very busy. Anyways, welcome to the Soup! Welcome to our insanity! *Sorry...
Dermo> My mom was sick for a few days so I had to stay in and look after my brothers, therefore spent a lot more time than normal on the net.
Hey Corey, dude! Yes, its the same Bob who now works for you .. :) Hows things dude?!
My bad, I would have bet money on me being right though .. oh well, its been a couple of weeks since I was anywhere near the admin panel of a vB...
Yeeee-hah! Halloween .. wheee! Free candy, mwa ha ha ha!! Cool, I only got 15 pm's in total, and I can't see that increasing anytime soon, but...
You sure are an interesting person!! Hope to see you around, welcome to our little world!
Shogun: ruler of this immense land .. yeah, right! :P
Yeah, that would be a useful little thing, doesn't vB generate a rankings page automatically though?
Spidey: Np, it was nothing .. your welcome! :)
Yeah, but there was a sort of a portal page to the forums where you could access your pms and profile info and whatnot ..
Here y'all go. :)
Thats it guys, promotion promotion promotion! (Thats getting a bit repetitive now.. :) )
:rotflmao: HoE .. thats a good one.
Separate names with a comma.