:cry: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO I'm so sorry! :nworthy: I'm not worthy. I'm not worthy! You are a man who has been down the Nikon pathways and has seen the...
I researched. I even asked Dan for advice ;) thanks Dan! Though, he's a canon man, I chose the Nikon. Both are really good cameras. The Nikon's...
I'd take my camera with me, but it's not very small and i have a tendency to leave obvious things behind and losing them. I DON"T wnat to lose my...
I'm a Nikon fan myself. I love my DSLR. it's a D80, but the D60 is also supposed to be really good. You definitely have to get used to a new...
I was impressed with how light it was for how large it was. I'm also surprised it fit in the bag along side my 18-135mm. Any larger and I'd have...
I finally got a new lens for my Nikon D80. I know, I still haven't really gone out and used the first lens other than some snap shots of family,...
Hey Mimi! It's Azile from Begins With Me. Everyone that was a member on that site is automatically a member on Aliensoup since the merge. All your...
:D *curtsy* Thank you for all your hard work with the merge and for keeping this site going as long as it has!
Yeah, I know. I'm a bad bad member! I haven't really been around a lot...at all. Well, I thought I'd drop in anyhow and see how everyone is doing....
OO A familiar face! Hello Luciann! Sorry for the late welcome. I myself have been a little MIA around here (BAD me, BAD!). Lurking is an art! An...
Welcome Slacker! Welcome to Begins With Me! We love having new people join us. Tell us a bit about yourself! This is a new site. It had at once...
Hey Stereoblood! :welcome: to Begins With Me! I am glad you joined us! :D :yes:
Hello polaris! :welcome: to Begins With Me! I hope you find it nice and pleasant here. We are a forum specifically for you to discuss matters in...
:welcome: Jiraffe! It's great to see you here!! I hope we can help you out. Relationships are so complicated, aren't they? Let me know if you...
Hey! :welcome: to Begins With Me. We are a small bunch but new site. I hope you find it comfortable here. We'd love to know more about you! :D
:yay: KCB! It's been a long time since I have seen you! It's so nice to have you on board! I hope you enjoy it here! :welcome: :wavey:
I have a camera. I used to really enjoy taking pictures and I've been REALLy wanting to get back into it. I'm just ticked that I haven't really...
Oh you flatter me so! ;) What cookie smilie wouldn't make people smile! :swink: :welcome: to Begins With Me! I don't think you actually did join...
We love new people! This is a brand new site and are hoping to grow as a family! :welcome: to Begins With Me! I'm glad to have you a part of our...
Ahh, not one I'm familiar with, You must be from upstate (at least, that's what us Long Islanders call it ;))
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