Greetings, Welcome to the Soup. :wave: :cool:
Greetings rodster, . Welcome to the Soup. .
Welcome to the Soup, Omega. Probing?!? Yes, it's a requirement for all newbies and I've got the 'Level 9' probe all cleaned up and ready to go....
Darn, I'm late again. Welcome Nils, Hope that MJ didn't scare you too much, but as an official prober(again) since it's your first time I'll try...
Buenos Dias Bk816, Welcome to the Soup. . .
Greetings KW23, Welcome to the Soup. . .
G'day Sandrat87, . Welcome to the Soup. .
Hiya Platinum Pimp. . Welcome to the Soup. .
Greetings SupaDawg, Welcome to the Soup! . I can't wait to see what kind of stuff you'll have in store for us Sports fanatics. . .
Greetings Delireum, Welcome to the Soup. . Cool another reader of the Sandman books...Neil Gaiman, my fav. .
Greetins Icey, Welcome to the Soup. . .
Greetings Debby, Welcome to the Soup. . .
Greetings Terrax, Welcome to the Soup. . .
Congrats Gang! I knew you guys would make great Mods someday. . .
Oh Mth, Don't be jealous. Your still the bestest in my book. . .
Quoted from Alien: No Sir, I never doubted your abilities. . I just..yikes . , not the level 9 probe. I'll . Anybody...
Greetings MissLeo, Welcome to the *Soup*. I hope I'm not out of line but guys, is it just me or does the soup seem to attract beautiful women?...
Greetings appleBOX, Welcome to the Soup. I checked out your site and it looks really excellent. Hope to see your posts in the other forums....
Hey JT, Happy New Year and Welcome to the soup. As for the apology...thank you, but it wasn't necessary. I know how tough it is to take care of...
G'Day ADRenaline, Welcome to the soup. . ---------------------------- " I'll take 'the-rapist' for $200, Alex "
Separate names with a comma.