Maybe I've much more complains to list for him, even since the time that he was not a coder yet, when he was buying scripts and next day he was...
Hello, According to this post Lionel past away on January. So I think that as a respect to his memory is better the follow thread to be remove....
What about if he is in holidays? He is not a robot to work 24/7/365. Right? ....or some other possibilities, happening to all humans that I don't...
Hello, I want to sell my license for IPB as I never used it since 2011 whenI bourght it. Includes: Core + IPBoard a value of $175 IP Nexus a...
Hello everybody, Is anybody here operating an "Adults only" community based on vBulletin? Please note that I don't mean sites with Photos and...
Hello, Coding vB5 addons for whom and why? 1.- For whom? : The vB clients droped dramatically last year. So no market even for free mods. Give a...
Unfortunatelly Facebook does not accepts anymore Ads for Dating sites. I also tried those "Shares" and "Likes" and I ended up with a page for...
Don't worry. I got your meaning that's why I replied. Otherwise I had to ignore your post:P But it's true that I didn't spent time for the old...
I'll be back soon. I like this site :) . Just busy with many things to do.
Try this one:
I'm redesigning it from scratch that's why is currently out of market. New design should be totally similar to FB. A small example all button...
Chris Teriakis submitted a new resource: Wordpress Rate My Site - Multi Questions Reviews/Ratings Rate My Site, is a simple, but full of...
Chris Teriakis updated Facebook Forum with a new update entry: License changed to Commercial Read the rest of this update entry...
Hello all, Just to let you know that I just released faceforo in the Resources section here:
Chris Teriakis submitted a new resource: Facebook Forum - A Forum for Facebook pages faceforo is a discussion board for Facebook pages (fan...
It integrades perfectly. It's 100% native FB application. I mean that you can't access it from the website. Is not a mirror of a web forum. Thank you.
Hello all, I've just finished my Forum script for Facebook pages, but I'm stucked if the current look which is all forum script's look, should be...
If someone wants to help, I've a FB page for my site. A Like will be welcome. But please don't forget that is a Dating site. I understand that...
Unless if I copy the content from somewhere else (something that I'll never do), it's almost impossible to do something like this. My English does...
I know this way but I'll use it for the Adult version of my site. In my case the problem is not how to attract women to register. I've some 100's...
Separate names with a comma.