I have both installed on my phone and forum, i leave it up to my users to use which one they prefer. :)
*bump* We've since moved to Xenforo. We're hoping the best for the lawsuit and the future of the product. :) Come check out what's new and I hope...
Can never go wrong with more anti-spam measures. :) As long as they aren't intrusive to true posters/real members but keep bots and other...
Hmm that's hard. My forum's still fairly small so I don't think so......perhaps in the future though. :D
^ This :D I use pngs whenever I can. :) I find it to be the best quality for the image depending on what the images are for (non-animated)
I haven't done much with HTML5 but it is the new standard for web development I think. It's a lot more user friendly for things like tablets that...
It's been awhile since I've been here but I gotta say, I absolutely LOVE the new theme you put up here Brandon. Really professional and super easy...
I'm the other user looking to get this mod for my own site along with Brandon. We will have a custom version made for our sites but it'll cost us...
Looking for help with a XF theme!
Yeah I guess so. I generally give them poor ratings if their posts aren't up to par.
vBulletin to me has lost it's shine and died with vBulletin 3.8. The horrific release of vBulletin 4 just killed it. 3.8 was the last acceptable...
I think he might be referring to services such as PostLoop which pay users to post on forums. They gain points per each post they make on a forum...
Yeah usernames shouldn't even be an option IMO. Should just block email and IP Xenforo should work on their spam filtering in the default script...
CPVR is correct. Everyone who signs up to your community is considered a member and serves a purpose/plays a part/role in the community and making...
I've installed XenUtilities which has built-in anti-spam functions and I haven't had a problem since. :)
Ah very wise decision. Welcome all newcomers. :D It's much easier to run 1 forum then 2 separate ones. :)
i would buy a competitor if it were beneficial to my community. I know a few people who bought somewhat dead competitor forums in the past just to...
I allow VIP members to edit their titles. VIP is either earned or paid for on my site and if the user paid for it, I don't think they'd invest...
I liked a few I've seen from SkinByDragonFly/Kim. Other then that, I haven't really been all that impressed with Xenforo styles.
Same has happened to me. I would like to see examples of your posting before I commit to purchasing your service. :D @businessgal
Separate names with a comma.