Ya it's nice and peaceful, 2.2 mile lap around it's right down the road from my kids school so I drop him off then head there.
I start my day(except the weekends) with a 2 mile jog/walk around a marina. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] It's relaxing and kind of kick starts my day.
I'm calling bs right now Micah, if you ask a direct support question, you'll get a direct answer. I'm going to go on a limb here and say instead...
Wait so IPB system isn't easy enough to avoid usergroup promotions for what I want to do with it? :eek: I'm just giving you a hard time, when you...
I'm aware how I can achieve it with XenForo, but your screenshot doesn't cover the avatar part. In fact... while the "yes/no until X posts" is...
I like running small knit communities, less headaches, you know everyone who posts pretty well type situation. Never ran forums to make money or...
I'm just curious Micah as I don't know IPB at all(aside from looking at the styling system briefly). But if I wanted to make it so users couldn't...
Self plug here but we also did Hes had a "check out the new beta site" thread up for almost 4 months asking for feedback. They were on vb3 for...
Bright colors can be used to attract people, especially on video game covers, but it's not meant to stare at all day :D
:), a suggestion if I may, I'd almost look into giving the background the same pattern but a dark grey/black. Then moving the current yellow...
Funny story... and this wasn't vbulletin.com just merely coincidence but I loaded up vbulletin.com today and literally my browser crashed...
This is why I usually never step into these debates, you never seen any wrong-doing. Whether you feel it's valid or not, considering you work for...
No, not what I stated at all. You created speculation when you said yourself you don't know the facts, but instead called upon additional...
Correcting with more speculating is poor customer service skills in my eyes. I've seen plenty of posts from you doing just this regarding the...
Fancy enough to where it's not broken is what I say haha :D, thanks a bunch. Appreciate it a bunch! I started off on XenForo simply helping...
Follow up, last bit for now :) [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Hello everyone :), name is Russ and I'm here to offer some XenForo Styling Services. I currently offer the following for XenForo styling. Full...
I enjoy going to Sushi by myself for some reason. Relaxing, taste great and can focus on the food rather than entertain my girlfriend :D.
I guess I'm one of those easily impressed by the fact I can stay up-to-date in less than 5 minutes haha :D.
Separate names with a comma.