Website Name: MySocialPage Website link: Description: A new social network for you to create your own social page group...
Recent Post: Happy 4th of July! Come visit MyBlogger! We will be releasing our first Xenforo theme soon! :)
Recent Post: Forsaken World Come visit us at MyBlogger! Also you can now give us some suggestions! :)
We now have over 1,000 posts! You can read the official announcement here!
Recent post: Party! Come and visit MyBlogger! :)
Thanks Kaiser. :)
Come visit xFCommunities!
Oh alright, thanks. :) @Trealix, thanks.
Similar? I tried to make it different as possible without copying anything off phpBBC. But thanks anyway Hazey.
Site Name: xFCommunities Site URL: Description: We're a community for Xenforo users! You can come here to discuss about...
Come visit MyBlogger!
Forum Name: xFCommunities Positions Available: Packagers Link to forum: N/A (Pm me for link) We're looking for a leader, and 2 packagers.
Come and check out MyBlogger. We have over 60 comments and 30 posts. :)
Come and check out MyBlogger! :)
No not really I don't see the point of using image ranks. I think the text under the username is good enough for me. :P
Nice guide. To bad I don't have a Xenforo license to even test it. I can only use the demo which only has its limits. I can't test add-ons or...
Recent Post: Trash Day Come and visit MyBlogger! Don't forget to send us a link to some funny videos that we could post on our blog! :)
I only been scammed once on the internet it was my first and I made sure my last. I always make sure the other person does his part of the deal...
Sucks that you got scammed. :(
Separate names with a comma.