Negative. Stated in the rules, no accounts or posts will be deleted. If a member truly complains then I will change the name and depersonalize...
Definitely. I think every forum should have a private staff forum. It's much easier to have a forum rather than using the PM system or email for...
I don't think there is anything wrong with it. The initial start to a community can be tough and anything to get it going is OK. We've all...
I think requriing a minimum amount of time spent on the forum per week is a good start. If they want to be staff then they have to put in some...
It's an occasional occurrence. If the violation wasn't that egregious then they get a warning rathing than an infraction. If a member continues...
Even though they are usually volunteers, you hired them to be an administrative assistant on your forum. If they are not performing their duties...
Usually multiple accounts are created to skirt bannings and the administrative headache of figuring out why a user needs to create multiple...
I think it can be a useful outlet for a lighter side of your forum. Members who feel like discussing "off-topic" things are usually provided with...
We all (or most) have the same problem. It's a big internet and there are innumerable forums out there. Not to discourage, just that you have to...
Although there can be friction if it doesn't work out (never lend money to friends, EG) I suppose the up-side is that you usually know their...
Like you, I'm an amateur tweeter (is that the right word?) and the article you referenced was very informative. I wonder how effective it is or...
I wish it gets to the point where I need a break from being so busy on my forum. This has yet to happen, unfortunately.
No permanent deletions for anybody other than me (although I don't do it). Supermods can mod any forum and mods can mod the forums they are...
I've never had any issues with vBulletin and, on making a new forum, would likely stick with what I'm using. I have used some of the open source...
It would primarily depend on the reasons for firing. If the staff member got busy with his or her personal, and then was no longer able to...
Most hosters let you have an add-on domain on 1 hosting account. It would be a seperate domain and would just be a sub folder of your primary...
It is a sad aspect of the world that there are so many plagiarists out there willing to steal your ideas. There is not much to do unless you want...
I agree with Carlos. It fairly nice but the design is not great and I found administration to be difficult. In the end I chose vbulletin over...
vbulletin is a professional forum script that's easy to admin and is very stable. I've yet to have any major issues with it. It costs, that is...
I suppose if you didn't specifically forbid it in your forum rules, then it would be OK. Unless that member is using the name to religiously...
Separate names with a comma.