If anyone has got any tips for AdSense implementation - feel free to share. :)
Looks like its back up. :)
I just tried to access the forums over at and got this error. :dead: Error 503 Service Unavailable Service Unavailable Guru...
Nice! What's the link to your forum? I'd like to check it out. I run a local automotive forum for my city of ~100K population. We have about 70...
Hi, I've recently become interested in trying to generate some income via the use of Google AdSense. I previously set up AdSense on my forum...
Welcome and nice to non-formally meet you. You're now a part of a great community.
How do you do that? Hah. I'd presume by having a high traffic forum. What's the subject matter of your forum?
Welcome! What forums do you run and which version of vB are they on?
Well this sucks! Let's hope this trend doesn't continue. I find forums /a lot/ more useful then social media sites. If I wanted to share selfies...
Thanks for the help guys. I will look into these for possible XenForo fun in the future.
Who were you hosting with before @Brandon ? If you don't mind sharing. I'm currently with URLJet and they are pretty goood. Glad the move went...
Welcome @deansaliba even though you've been here for a while. Glad to see your computer weathered the storm! And the cat too O.o.
Good Day! ...that is all.
Hi, Are there any CMS's build specifically for XenForo? Anything similar to say, what vBadvanced or vB4 CMS is to vBulletin? Warm regards, Marc
A bit late but I hope everyone on the board had a great Hallowiener lol. Weather it was spent relaxing, handing out treats or trick-or-treating...
Happy to have you on board @Russell !
I went ahead and re-vamped my AdSense placement (since quickly setting them up a year ago). I now have 3 banner style ads, all of them above the...
Thanks for pointing that out @BamaStangGuy , when I load the page it's only loading two ads for me at the bottom instead of the four in your...
I have two. One below the navbar and one above the footer. I'm not an AdSense expert so any advice is appreciated. I'm not seeing the 4 ads you...
Separate names with a comma.