on a side note, has Tony managed to sell TBFE yet? I'm very surprised that you haven't picked it up yet, Brandon ;)
Check out IPB or XenForo et al if you're not happy with vB4. Don't be scared to switch it up..
I doubt any time soon, but if I do ever put it up for sale, I'll let you know..
Meh. Just had (and having) a massive conversation about this over twitter. The short version is; It's bullshit, and this is another fail by IB,...
Well Brandon, the [you] tag seems to be fun ;)
it didnt sell :(
Thanks :)
I dunno if they know ..
Yep, see the about page; http://www.postloop.com/about
Postloop is a free automated post exchange for your forums.. You sign up, upload a tracking file to your forums root so they know how many...
[you] is really mayor of [you]ville! nothing me or [you] can do to stop that!
I liek the video, looks to be a nice new technology :D
Check this link out for more details https://flippa.com/auctions/114889/3-Letter-Domain---Custom-ShortURL-Image-Script---TWITTER-READY Thanks...
I have a .us domain (http://mikeylicio.us) and I'm a UK citizen and declared that I'm an 'entity' and that's that. [attach]
Closed till the site is back online. I've also reverted the post to it's original format, please realise that you cannot just edit out a post if...
With all due respect to you Caleb, I think that getting 800 for the 4k post forum was very lucky on your part. Don't base all your future sales on...
bump. make me an offer.
Whats activity like. for 12k posts I'd be wanting to pay < $100 - just saying. Edit; Active Members 6 How many have been paid posters?
GOD. I hate [you]
Separate names with a comma.