Anglo wrote this about his Mother. If he had such a horrible Mother, how could he have written this? You have no idea what you are talking about,...
welcome rebel
yes,,i like them,,i have 4
wish i was 30 again
what kind of tattoo are you getting.and where
lol..just kidding,,se you smile,,ok all kids got me up far to early,,i need sleep,,,,,bye for now
i like big mouth woman anyway
to me or her
cool.. glad to hear it,,,,,,
no spunkey,,i just dont know you.and i see a few people talking about you,not in a bad way,so i just asked a few questions,,nuthing bad at...
just talk,,i dont care either way,,
no,i mean in other area,s knucletown,sun valley,polk county,
but someone in prision,,i am sorry,,,she needs to look in the personals,,,,not the jails
and more rednecks
not really sure why anyone would get involed with someone in prision....
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