Paying for that is better than paying for the full software though, no? And that's only $8 a month, with other features included as well. A full...
I would think this would be best, but I suppose they want to continue offering it for some reason. -_-
I will post on your forum for money! My current rate is $1 for 25 posts, that's only $4 for 100 posts. That is negotiable, so if you have a...
I'll do $1for 25 posts as well. I'll do register for register with you, or do post for post. I'll go up to 50 posts right now.
Thanks guys. Acid, we aren't really that formal. You're free to debate how you want. Some members choose to be formal, some choose to just say...
Wow, it's amazing. Great work!
That's really low.
You can get PM notifications about topic subscriptions when you buy ZB Premium. You can get email notification of topic subscriptions without it...
Email notifications as in mass emailing to all board members? You can do that in the Admin CP on Zetaboards. And there can be a script for just...
I've seen people try to make their forum softwares many times, never have I seen one start off from such a small scale as this.
Zetaboards. IF has really been let go since ZB's release and ZB is a much improved version of IF anyways.
Interesting. Best of luck with your forum!
Separate names with a comma.