IPB VS Xenforo Review: 2 week perspective

Discussion in 'XenForo Discussions' started by Superboy, Aug 21, 2014.

  1. Russ

    Russ Regular Member

    Nov 20, 2010
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    I'm aware how I can achieve it with XenForo, but your screenshot doesn't cover the avatar part. In fact... while the "yes/no until X posts" is really nice they have it specific to signatures and that's it. So to limit from being able to upload an avatar until they hit 5 posts, or use the PM system(until 5 posts) would require... a promotion?
  2. Superboy

    Superboy Most Likely, I'm Insane.

    Jun 13, 2012
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    New Jersey
    Well yes in that case you would need to set up a Promotion for the usergroup promotion. I see where you're going with that.
    The issue isn't the fact i have to do a promotion so much as for the most part what I am trying to do as in Moderate a user, which IPB does better.

    (that being said, if it is a Spammer/troll) you can actually workaround the PM thing...Just set a restriction on the time/amount.

    As far as the avatar, I don't get that one...there is no real reason to restrict someone from uploading an avatar until a certain post count.
  3. Russ

    Russ Regular Member

    Nov 20, 2010
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    Wait so IPB system isn't easy enough to avoid usergroup promotions for what I want to do with it? :eek:

    I'm just giving you a hard time, when you look at a specific case in your scenario sure that feature is nice to have on IPB(moderate posts until x amount), but it's easily achieved in 20 seconds on XenForo.

    Next you take a step back and see how XenForo setup usergroup permissions and why. For new users I can control everything in a single spot. To me this is handy beyond any other system I've personally used.

    And no I wasn't trying to be a smart ass about my questions, I was simply asking because you make it seem like IPB is so much different and easier than XenForo when it comes to setting things up. After your explanation of what "I need and was looking for", it comes down to you have to use usergroup promotions on each platform.
  4. Superboy

    Superboy Most Likely, I'm Insane.

    Jun 13, 2012
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    New Jersey
    It's not about avoiding the usergroup promotion but the fact is, I need the usergroup promotions to do more with it on XF vs one or two things with IPB requiring promotions.

    I still dont see the point of EVERYONE being in the Registered group while having multiple and multiple Secondary groups(I get the analogy someone used about college) especially when those other groups no longer matter.

    For example
    "Initiates" are our Registered Group.

    After he approved posts you become Elemental
    and from there I believe Proxy

    (these are titles from books)

    Once a person reaches the last group aka Legendary, there is absolutely no reason the other 10 groups need to be under that users name especially since Legendary is the only group that matters.

    And then as I said above, you have to make sure you set the correct priority for the usergroup so that the Higher usergroup(Legendary) reflects and not Proxy from 6 usergroups back.

    Again IPB's ease of use is better because there is no priority. It just promotes the user to the groups and the color/styling reflects.
  5. Azhria lilu

    Azhria lilu Regular Member

    Jun 5, 2009
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    Derbyshire, UK
    I never attacked you at all. I said that going into something with the mindset of "it's not xxxx" is the wrong way to do something.
    Mike likes this.
  6. Superboy

    Superboy Most Likely, I'm Insane.

    Jun 13, 2012
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    New Jersey
    But that's not the mindset i am going into it with. I went into excited for a fresh reintroduction to XF and then i slowly begin to get annoyed with how things seemed a bit simpler with IPB.
  7. Azhria lilu

    Azhria lilu Regular Member

    Jun 5, 2009
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    Derbyshire, UK
    Because you're constantly comparing. This does that, why doesn't x do that. I could write a huge essay about why I prefer XF over IPB - refuting everything you've said, because of my own personal preference, but there's little point because they're two different pieces of software who have different ways of doing things.

    You used it for five months once before and did nothing but complain the entire time - again constantly comparing. You've used it around 2 weeks this time and are repeating the same process. Complain, compare, complain compare. Instead of focusing your mind on what you prefer about IPB, focus your mind on learning XenForo *shrug*
    Russ likes this.
  8. Superboy

    Superboy Most Likely, I'm Insane.

    Jun 13, 2012
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    New Jersey
    you're right :)
    I absolutely agree. Perhaps I am not giving XF a fair shot, though i don't think it is because i am unwilling to change/move out from this IPB bubble i am supposedly in.

    I am going to ask for help more(Sheldon already more or less told me to do that) and I am truly going to give it an open mind.
    Like it or not, CR will be stuck in XF for the foreseeable future. So i am going to have to learn to like it one way or another.
  9. Sheldon

    Sheldon Dreamsmasher

    Jan 13, 2014
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    That's not the best way to go into it... considering yourself "stuck". On my side, I'd consider myself lucky if I had XF for the forseeable future.

    As far as asking for help, it will be the easiest way for you to achieve what you want. Use the search at XF as well, lots of the issues you have posted about or have struggled with have been covered extensively.
    BamaStangGuy, Russ and Azhria lilu like this.
  10. Azhria lilu

    Azhria lilu Regular Member

    Jun 5, 2009
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    Derbyshire, UK
    I agree with Sheldon, it's the whole "stuck with it" mentality that's going to cause you problems. Don't view it as a chore, view it as an adventure - something new to explore, to experiment with. I'd make the same argument regardless of what software you were switching to - IPB to XF, XF to IPB (insert any other relevant software vs another here). If you don't understand something, ask. Don't automatically start posting about how you can get it working on IPB but it sucks on XF... just ask. People are happy to help and support you, so long as you are willing to make the effort to view the software on its own merits on not on what it does or doesn't do in relation to anything else.
    BamaStangGuy likes this.
  11. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    From what I've read posted by you on TAZ other day reading topics their, you don't seem impressed with IPB 4 so far, you don't want to go back using same older IPB 3.x version again. So where do you head from here if not really liking XenForo either?
  12. Superboy

    Superboy Most Likely, I'm Insane.

    Jun 13, 2012
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    New Jersey
    I don't fully like various stuff about IPB but at the same time all the stuff I do(well most) is still there and i do like the changes that IPS seems to be working on as well.

    With that said, there is a lot of things I do like about XF and there is so much potential here and I am noticing various improvements(The ranking higher and faster without me doing anything too major is what makes me happy :P and something i did struggle with on IPB. ) It's just various things that annoy me about XF at the same time that conflicts with what I do like.

    But like has been stated perhaps I truly am not giving it is full chance and I am letting my predisposition stand in the way of any potential success.
    Hmm i just realized the parallels to my real life choice/frustration of colleges :) While I didn't quite make an impulse choice like I did with XF recently, I am debating between the college that is my dream school but once i got there it was more like "This is not what I was expecting from it" vs Starting anew with a school that I did a tour on and wasn't overly impressed but at the same time there is a lot of potential there and I have grown to like it, the second time around but still there are various things that I dislike about it and I am constantly comparing it to my dream college without at the same time truly letting it stand on its OWN merit aka Instead of comparing it to my dream school and what it isn't, I should be looking at it for what it is and what it can do for me and if i can truly be happy with that choice.

    Same thing with Xenforo here. I am realizing it now....I need to figure out what it can do for me. While the choice was impulsive(and the person from TAZ who offered to help me, has effectively left me hanging with various questions and concerns/comments), It wouldn't have been made if i didn't see any potential in XF. I do think my opinions of the overzealous XF crowd is precisely the reason I am hesitant to engage with the community(I compare it to my initial perception of Frats when I rushed and I did discover that while a lot of frats have a bad rep, there are some quality ones as well).

    See....I am listening XD
  13. Azhria lilu

    Azhria lilu Regular Member

    Jun 5, 2009
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    Derbyshire, UK

    And with patience you will find people who will help you get the answers you want - sometimes it just takes time to find the right place to ask.
    Superboy likes this.
  14. Janet H

    Janet H Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Jul 24, 2014
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    Pacific NW
    [QUOTE="Superboy, post: 580880, member: 2474"

    Same thing with Xenforo here. I am realizing it now....I need to figure out what it can do for me.[/QUOTE]


    I appreciated the long review - thanks for taking the time. I share some of your frustration with XF configuration options, but I think that we hang on to what we are most familiar with even if it doesn't really do the job. I manage dozens of boards and most are vB. A few have recently been converted to XF (moving slowly here...) and frankly the most frustrating aspect of this change is that I am less comfortable with the interface. This is not XFs failing - it's mine, but I'll get there with some time. It's a good stretch ;)
    AzzidReign and Superboy like this.
  15. Superboy

    Superboy Most Likely, I'm Insane.

    Jun 13, 2012
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    New Jersey

    I appreciated the long review - thanks for taking the time. I share some of your frustration with XF configuration options, but I think that we hang on to what we are most familiar with even if it doesn't really do the job. I manage dozens of boards and most are vB. A few have recently been converted to XF (moving slowly here...) and frankly the most frustrating aspect of this change is that I am less comfortable with the interface. This is not XFs failing - it's mine, but I'll get there with some time. It's a good stretch ;)[/QUOTE]
    Good to see there is someone else struggling :)
    We'll get the hang of it after awhile!
  16. Mike

    Mike Adept

    May 23, 2009
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    Lafayette, IN, USA
    First Name:
    And you were so wrapped up in what you felt was being blunt, you completely overlooked the example I provided you.

    This time try to actually comprehend what you wrote, and how you wrote it to appear it was coming from another person's perspective. You said -
    No, you are absolutely incorrect. Maybe when you (Superboy), use XenForo, then maybe there are some odds and ends that really bug you (Superboy).

    When I use XenForo, I am not bothered by a thing.

    Are you starting to understand, yet? Your statement should have read, "But as I use it, there are some odds and ends that really bug me." Just because some things bug you certainly doesn't mean that anyone else even takes notice of them. If something bothers you, then say that it bothers you, don't suggest that there is anything bothering the rest of us. There, dear child, is the ambiguity in your writing style.

    Save your time with your blustery protestations about your opinions. From where I sit, you are fully entitled to all of them. Far be it from me to tell you what opinions you can and cannot hold, so I will kindly thank you for not attempting to put words in my mouth.

    As for your own arguments against my opinions, I stand by what I said. I am of the opinion you were, and still are, ill-prepared to move from one forum platform to another. You can argue against my opinion all you like, but let me remind you of your own words -
    I was rather fortunate, in that @Azhria lilu had given me admin status on a XenForo test site, so I had the opportunity to see exactly what I was getting into, by converting from IPB to XenForo. Going into it, I saw naught that gave me any reason to like XenForo, but she kept showing me places where XenForo really shines. Before I knew it, I was bursting at the seams, waiting for the day I set aside for the migration. And even though I was, by my personal standards, rather heavily invested in IPB (4 IP.Board licenses, 4 IP.Content licenses, an IP.Gallery license, an IP-Blog license and an IP.Nexus license), the day I migrated to XenForo was the day I realized I had just made an great investment. Miss IPB? Not even close. What's to miss, other than spending time tracking down application settings, from one end of the AdminCP to the other? :rolleyes:

    But when I read what you have to say, the things that stick out are things like how much you miss IPB, how the overall hassle is a key reason for not migrating right back to IPB, how much you dislike Xenforo's use of Ajax, how much you dislike the XenForo sidebar, how much you dislike the XenForo avatar system, how much you dislike XenForo styling (are you starting to catch my drift here?), how much you dislike the being approached with hosting offers on the XenForo support forums (gee, when were you suddenly able to even mention hosting on the IPS forums, other than their own offerings?!?), how much you dislike XenForo 3rd party add-on pricing, how much you dislike XenForo usergroup promotions (need I continue?), how much you dislike XenForo usergroup permissions, how much you dislike XenForo usergroup styling, how much you dislike XenForo moderator/admin permissions, how much you dislike XenForo nodes, etc.

    In my opinion, you are a walking, talking example of buyer's remorse. Pardon me for not offering to help you 'learn the software', but not a single one of your actions or comments give me any reason to believe you are into XenForo for the long haul.
  17. Superboy

    Superboy Most Likely, I'm Insane.

    Jun 13, 2012
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    New Jersey
    First, Please do not refer to me as "Dear Child".....
    Young I am, but I am not a child nor are we on a familiar term for me to be your "Dear" anything.

    If you're going to make a point, make the point to me without insulting my intelligence(I am quite intelligent, i wouldn't have gotten into the University I am in and the one i am likely transferring to otherwise) and without your condescendence in regards to my age. That's like me referring to you as some "Troubled Dear Old Man".

    It's unnecessary.

    I already stated above that my choice was an impulsive decision. I find it interesting you reiterate what i said by saying I was/am ill-prepared to move to another platform. I literally said I rushed, thinking it was the right move and I expected support from someone who told me they'd help, and come to find out I am alone and that's fine. I am ready to do what I do best and adapt.

    Furthermore, I am not sure how there is any type of ambiguity in this post. It's obvious throughout the post these are my experiences and my frustrations. I Used third person briefly in the start, yes, by using "You" but anyone with basic comprehension could understand I wasn't speaking for anyone else but me. You took it as such and I do question your comprehension skills if you got the fact that I am somehow speaking for everyone else when this was obviously a RANT from my perspective.

    And that's great that you fell in love with the software...I didn't and I haven't yet. Your experience is different from my own and I am not the first person to switch to XF from another platform and wind up not liking it. I doubt i will be the last.

    I never had to SEARCH for anything in IPB ACP. After using it for a year, I more or less got the gist/hang of it with little to no issue and that is where the search function came in handy(which XF has as well).

    One thing that bugs me about XF is various add-ons options can be scattered across the ACP(example: Widget framework) instead of being in a central area.
    Yes It is a Hassle to convert back....I JUST converted back to Xenforo nearly 3 weeks ago and begun investing time & money into my site as well. Granted, i've only spent $30 for the skin(I still had access to all my add-ons I brought last year! Whoo!) and about $20 for some odds and ends i use now.

    I am a 19 year old Double Major who is about to start school, I have a Job as well as auditions I am doing as well as launching a new site while still maintaining and improving Chaos Reads...I don't have time, energy or the will to dedicate to doing a conversion back to IPB right now. So yeah it is a hassle for me. Granted if I really wanted to, I could.

    But Once again, I question your comprehension skills. You seem to read and interpret things as YOU see fit instead of as they are bluntly stated.

    No I am not a happy camper right now. Yes, I miss IPB. Yes, I think IPB is better.

    But i also said I think XF has some potential and several times I said I am eager and ready to learn to master it and i said that I am not ready to give up on it just yet. Several times.

    Somehow you question how i am in this for the long haul despite multiple times saying I am not giving up.

    Just to reiterate something to @Azhria lilu and @Sheldon this is precisely one of the reason why I rarely post on XF forums or ask questions.
    Instead of trying to assuage any concerns i have or help me figure out this or that, People instead want to try and debate my opinions of the software. It's this arrogance(my perception, oh well) that people feel the need to constantly defend the software and are willing to nitpick about how "ridiculous" my claims are.

    I just find that funny. This poster alone is proving my point about WHY I am reluctant of asking for help because nearly everyone I come across just has to preach about how great XF is to them instead of going

    "Aye Micah, sorry to hear you feel that way? What can I/we do to help assuage some of your concerns?"
    It's honestly ridiculous and even hilarious because people seem to get offended when I blatantly state I have an issue with most of the XF users I come across(not all, there are some people who genuinely do help and aren't about dating) because I have to deal with posters like this who feel the need to debate MY OPINION and MY WRITING STYLE(LOL GET REAL) vs actually getting to the root of the problem which I stated again numerous times.

    There are things i want to do but idk how and I could use help....
    Never did i have to deal with such arrogance within the IPB community. They may have been slow but i literally had no issue with anyone in the IPB community.
    AWS likes this.
  18. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    You used XenForo before last using IPB, so not as though you didn't know what to expect from it this "second time around" installing it again. Can appreciate you not knowing first time before later switching to IPB. But switching from IPB to XenForo now, you would have known how XenForo is from the first time using it. So don't see how you can call it an "Impulse"... switching from IPB to XenForo now? You would know what to expect.. same way I'd know what to expect switching from phpBB 3.1 to XenForo (me having used XenForo before also).
  19. Russ

    Russ Regular Member

    Nov 20, 2010
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    I'm calling bs right now Micah, if you ask a direct support question, you'll get a direct answer. I'm going to go on a limb here and say instead of asking a direct question, you degrade and compare XenForo to IPB which could potentially be why you get unwanted responses.

    Please, next time you have a support question for XenForo post on the official forums with no comparison, no degrading remark as to why it's not checked by default or something along those lines, just ask the question. See what kind of response you'd get.
    BamaStangGuy likes this.
  20. Azhria lilu

    Azhria lilu Regular Member

    Jun 5, 2009
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    Derbyshire, UK
    @Superboy I'm going to ignore all the bickering back and forth because, honestly, what's it going to achieve other than more bickering? :)

    Anyways, what it comes down to (and will always come down to) is personal preference. I started out on vB, I could never see myself moving to anything else ever - then all the .. .well everyone knows what happened - so I moved to IPB. I used IPB for almost 2 years on a forum, I'd had a licence since almost the day they moved over to a payment model so I wasn't new to the software, I kept a test board on my localhost to keep up to date with its features - but I used it for 2 years on a live site (Admin Extra, in case you're wondering) and I never enjoyed it. It just doesn't suit the way I think or expect things to work. XenForo ticks those boxes for me. For me the location of 99% of everything makes sense, but note the for me there. Just because it is perfect for my needs, doesn't mean it'll be perfect for someone else, but I didn't constantly make posts putting the software down or comparing it with vbulletin - I just got on with it and learned the IPB method of doing things.

    What @Mike is trying to say is that when you post, you're phrasing your dislikes as a fact for everyone whether you mean to or not, instead of your own personal preference and that, I think, is what gets peoples ganders up - talking for other people has a tendency to do that, you know ;) As for him calling you "Dear Child", he's older than the hills - everyone is Dear Child to him :p

    This argument can go back and forth until the end of time, but unless you just throw yourself into it and start learning to use the parts that you currently have issues with you'll never be able to move forward :)

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