VB 5.1.2 RC1 released

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by Jack Rouse, Jul 1, 2014.

  1. Jack Rouse

    Jack Rouse Regular Member

    Jun 8, 2014
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  2. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Feb 1, 2010
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    Joliet, IL U.S.A.
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    I'll get the test upgraded this weekend.
    zappaDPJ likes this.
  3. Dillon Lawrence

    Dillon Lawrence Regular Member

    Jan 25, 2014
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    Great. I wouldn't gamble my life that RSS feeds are fixed though.
  4. Jack Rouse

    Jack Rouse Regular Member

    Jun 8, 2014
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    These were the planned bug fixes for RC1 :

    New Feature

    Improvement Request
    • [VBV-3681] - Profile Settings > Display Mode options: Change Thread/Stream to Posts/Latest Activity
    • [VBV-7150] - Update "Serious Error" message.
    • [VBV-8673] - Under statistics for topics, change Posts to Responses
    • [VBV-10478] - Profile: remove User Name from Basic Information
    • [VBV-11568] - Default Post Signature Inline to Yes
    • [VBV-11821] - powered_by_vbulletin_title isn't cleaned for branding free customers
    • [VBV-11845] - Update CKEditor to version 4.3 for enhanced Browser Support.
    • [VBV-12290] - Add "My Recent Posts" to username dropdown
    • [VBV-12511] - check_template_errors() improvement
    • [VBV-12531] - Update help text for canadminstyles and canadmintemplates admin permissions

    • [VBV-12391] - Support Custom CSS Without Template Permission
    • [VBV-12427] - Modify cookie salt handling.
    • [VBV-12476] - Post upgrade CKEditor issues
    • [VBV-12551] - Harden page array against XSS issues part 1

    • [VBV-1062] - Save & Publish button under Invite Members should be "Save Changes" when editing blog/group
    • [VBV-1809] - Incorrect Message shown while topic is unapproved
    • [VBV-4249] - "other" option for Subject in Contact Us page should be capitalized - phrase is missing
    • [VBV-4488] - Path to install.php is wrong in Security Alert
    • [VBV-5541] - Registration Confirmation Popup: change text "User Control Panel" to "User Settings"
    • [VBV-5684] - Decrease Size is missing on AdminCP textareas
    • [VBV-8030] - Vbulletin - Trademark in footer
    • [VBV-8412] - Topic display date range stuck on 'All Time' regardless of setting for forum module
    • [VBV-9401] - CodeMirror css files should be in head tag
    • [VBV-9698] - Change password on forums - wrong redirect
    • [VBV-9824] - Inconsistent naming: Widgets vs. Modules
    • [VBV-10446] - In some enviroments, sys_get_temp_dir doesn't report the actual tmp directory
    • [VBV-10881] - $vbphrase[x_and_y_others_replied_to_z] need 2 versions
    • [VBV-10882] - vBulletin hardcoded into HTML title tag under some situations.
    • [VBV-10955] - X Votes needs separate phrases for singular/plural
    • [VBV-11340] - Search database fail (vb.com Live site, 505 RC1)
    • [VBV-11478] - Issues upgrading from beta 16 to 5.0.5
    • [VBV-11688] - Missing phrase for pagination_nextprev_divider_left_color and pagination_nextprev_divider_right_color
    • [VBV-11796] - Clickable area to start working in the editor in IE is small
    • [VBV-11833] - Admin CP - Usergroup - Maximum Value of x for [SIZE=x] BB Code - Help Explanation Needs Update
    • [VBV-11858] - Advanced search breadcrumbs phrases hardcoded
    • [VBV-11868] - Sphinx information in config.php file
    • [VBV-11901] - vBForum:getModeration query is not complete
    • [VBV-11904] - Command Line Search Index rebuilder no longer functions
    • [VBV-11912] - Last Post Ad Location is obsured by Quote Box if quote exists in last post
    • [VBV-11914] - Empty Comment Error Message Typo
    • [VBV-11915] - profile_tabs_3 missing from hook list
    • [VBV-11918] - Doing a Search IP Address > Depth set to 2 will produce an error
    • [VBV-11949] - Remove attach package from vB core code
    • [VBV-12046] - "Go To Last Post" icon shows up on redirected topics
    • [VBV-12144] - "Can Mass Move Posts" phrase should also include "Copy"
    • [VBV-12165] - Slightly bad html in display_topics
    • [VBV-12200] - Strict Standards Error in UserPIc data manager
    • [VBV-12261] - Required Custom Profile Fields can result in "There has been a serious error and the page cannot be rendered"
    • [VBV-12302] - The day/time in the debug infos are not displayed if the language used is using a locale.
    • [VBV-12311] - Embedded Video thumbnails do not show (regression)
    • [VBV-12312] - Video thumbnails don't appear to be stored, which requires a lookup for everyvideo per pageload
    • [VBV-12347] - Need to fix command line upgrade.php version check
    • [VBV-12360] - When Follow Channel Moderation Rules set to No, users cannot use gallery or attachments
    • [VBV-12363] - Search - Database Error ( missing table prefix )
    • [VBV-12370] - "Today's Posts" search ignores topics not started today.
    • [VBV-12372] - If no cookie prefix is present, then users cannot log out.
    • [VBV-12375] - Blog's title validation will throw "Aborted" error on failure (Regression)
    • [VBV-12383] - Remove delete function from vB_Library_Content_Text
    • [VBV-12403] - Promotion bug, data passed as wrong type causes query to fail and no users to be promoted
    • [VBV-12424] - Script error on most pages, and no phrases available to Javascript when using a custom language
    • [VBV-12492] - User Settings - > Account (tab) -> Date & Time Options - > Time Zone -> GMT +3:00 is wrong
    • [VBV-12507] - Link to request password reset help can be invalidated.
    • [VBV-12508] - New User email is missing user name.
    • [VBV-12528] - Mouse scrolling doesn't work in sitebuilder module list
    • [VBV-12537] - Internal Path Exposure on the Ad quickSave method
    • [VBV-12540] - Problems in CSS customization editor when selecting a different style.
    • [VBV-12556] - User unselectable theme causes guests (and probably regular users?) to load no preheader when set as the site's theme via sitebuilder
    • [VBV-12557] - Typo in phrase theme_confirm_overwrite
    • [VBV-12558] - Incorrect closing </span> tag in widget_onlineuserdetails
    • [VBV-12563] - Session fetches vars from the session table then overwrites it with a cached version during session object construction
    • [VBV-12595] - Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in \includes\vb5\template\bbcode.php on line 2621
    • [VBV-12596] - Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in \vb511\core\vb\wysiwyghtmlparser.php on line 830
    • [VBV-12608] - Make the themes filecheck more robust
    • [VBV-12615] - Languages imported with the upgrader messed the whole language in the system, impacting major features
    • [VBV-12656] - Unit Test failure in photoText
    • [VBV-12666] - Some CKEditor phrases and custom bbcodes fail if using any charset other than UTF-8
    • [VBV-12675] - Removal of COOKIE_SALT constant breaks any existing third party authentication systems that rely on it
    • [VBV-12680] - Opening Site Builder Style panel when not having canadminsettings shows error and theme functionality doesn't work
    • [VBV-12681] - CSS Editor tab still displayed in site builder when not having neither canadminstyles nor canadmintemplates
    • [VBV-12696] - Attachments added from an URL in a Forum Topic are not added in the Photo Album
    • [VBV-12700] - Can't select a theme in IE by clicking on the theme icon/image in sitebuilder
    • [VBV-12703] - Can't subscribe to a profile in some case
    • [VBV-12708] - Viewing a private message will permanently delete it
    • [VBV-12709] - (Regression) Attachments are broken in latest build
    • [VBV-12727] - Error 500 when editing a poll (regression)
    • [VBV-12747] - Picture caption is executing HTML code (Cross-Site Scripting is possible)
  5. Lee G

    Lee G Regular Member

    May 2, 2014
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    Costa Blanca Spain
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    Todays posts is still all over the place
    Something that I check on the main vb site on each update
  6. Lee G

    Lee G Regular Member

    May 2, 2014
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  7. s.molinari

    s.molinari Regular Member

    Nov 6, 2009
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    If you read the fix, then you know why. Even though you shouldn't use any non-gold version in a production system, having it delete any data is a critical bug and needs fast response, IF it is actually the attachments being deleted, as I am understanding Wayne's words. ( I wish he'd take just a little bit more time to do these announcements, like where is the link to the bug report in Jira???)

    I commend them though on the faster response to get the fix out, but again,only IF I am understanding the problem correctly.

  8. s.molinari

    s.molinari Regular Member

    Nov 6, 2009
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    I went searching for the bug and couldn't find it.

    Edit- Searched another way and found it. It is actually attachments getting deleted, so the response and quick release of RC2 was proper.


  9. zappaDPJ

    zappaDPJ Regular Member

    May 27, 2013
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    London, England
    Yeah, that was a pretty catastrophic bug which required a very timely fix. It's a good job it was found before the final update roll-out.
  10. Lee G

    Lee G Regular Member

    May 2, 2014
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    Costa Blanca Spain
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    Moaned about the "Todays Posts" on one of the few forums Mark is still active on, his own test forum
    The bug is fixed, but on the main vb site, they have custom coded it, so the bug is still showing there

  11. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Pretty obvious Mark has since abandoned posting on all other admin forums now. Paul.M has pretty much done same and you don't see the other one "Joe" posting as much either now on them. Kind of a shame it's happened, as Mark was one of the more interesting people posting on them who usually had a lot to say. Now admin forums have gone really boring of late, very boring in fact, why I don't post much myself on them anymore.
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2014
    Lee G likes this.
  12. Jack Rouse

    Jack Rouse Regular Member

    Jun 8, 2014
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    I can completely understand why they have stopped posting on Admin Forums, if you were criticised every time you posted anything about VB, or you were trolled by the same members all the time, and people going on about the bugs in VB5, when they haven't exactly read the bugs, OK some of them have been critical, but others are just changes to phrases, or changes to how buttons are worded, at least VB have the balls to call them a bug, whereas other platforms just ignore it, as in the XF Reply/Quote button bug. That does take some getting used to.
    Lee G likes this.
  13. Lee G

    Lee G Regular Member

    May 2, 2014
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    I used to see Mark on the VB forum prior to his becoming a member of staff there and labelled him a twat
    My opinion has certainly changed now, with all the flack he takes, he still goes out his way to help people
    The guy has a heart of gold
    His test site is also a great way to get bugs in vb5 reported
    If he can replicate a bug, he will submit the support ticket
  14. Lee G

    Lee G Regular Member

    May 2, 2014
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    There was another privacy issue bug reported yesterday

    The staff were quick to investigate the problem and submit a bug report
  15. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Yeah but, keep in mind he doesn't have to use admin forums only to talk about vBulletin all the time (which is what he's been doing), all because he now carries a vB status. Sure, we all get it, he works for vB and likes to make a bee-line for all the vBulletin topics. Which people have seen and started picking at what he says. But truth is, why doesn't he instead stop doing that and talk about other stuff, which wouldn't lead to all the flak he gets. There's more than just vBulletin being talked about on admin forums, but that's all he's interested in these days because he's able to throw his vB status in with it, as though he wants to make a point of who he is now to everyone and thinks we should respect him more. Then spits dummy out and leaves forums when people don't.

    Nobody really cares, vBulletin isn't what it was. Think in some respect Mark has brought a lot of it on himself for being "in ya face" too much about vBulletin on admin forums none stop since getting that support job. You don't see other staff from their doing same thing, ones who's worked their much, much longer than Mark.

    If he had the common sense, he'd post on admin forums and avoid the vB topics completely. I like Mark, he can be a character at times. But do get the impression since he became vB Staff, that now he has a "real problem" in not wanting to be seen as "the old Mark.B" anymore. But... we all know a Leopard never changes it's spots.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2014
  16. Terry

    Terry Regular Member

    Oct 12, 2010
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    You reap what you sow ...
  17. zappaDPJ

    zappaDPJ Regular Member

    May 27, 2013
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    London, England
    Indeed, he was just as annoying when he thought vBulletin was a morally bankrupt company. To be fair he has recently put a lot of effort into trying to build a more worthy reputation. He might well have succeed if he hadn't of run off in a huff.
  18. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Seems that is what finally proved his downfall. Mark is good at not letting others usually get to him with what they say, very cool headed person in that respect. But people not taking him serious as vB staff, the crack in his armour was found and why he left. Think Mark has done himself a thick one myself. He stopped posting on admin forums, which has kind of isolated himself from talking to others he's known for years.
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2014
  19. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Is Mark banned from here, he told me he is? Because if he is, that means he's banned from here and TAZ.
  20. Dillon Lawrence

    Dillon Lawrence Regular Member

    Jan 25, 2014
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    I can confirm Mark B. is absolutely not banned.
    AWS likes this.

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