The 'Who's Actually Using vBulletin 5' list!

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by CM30, Feb 8, 2014.

  1. Ludwig

    Ludwig Regular Member

    Jul 15, 2013
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    I converted my vB4 forum to xenForo about 3 months ago, I couldn't be happier. vBulletin 4 wasn't bad perse, I was fine with the software for over 2 years (I upgraded after version 4.1), never had any problems really.

    The reason I left vBulletin was because I thought the 4 series had been abandoned, and I didn't see myself ever liking vBulletin 5, even if the software was stable, I simply don't like how it looks and feels.

    The fact some support staff were treating people like shit when they dared asking questions about the future of vB4 made my decision even easier. I have nothing bad to say about Lynne or Joe D, they were very helpful and friendly to me when I needed to transfer my license to someone else.
    thewhatami likes this.
  2. s.molinari

    s.molinari Regular Member

    Nov 6, 2009
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    That wasn't my question. The question was, what agenda are you talking about?

    Ok. If you code mods to use either the vB3 OR vB4 template systems, then you are simply kludging in PHP bloat, so it will work with both systems. I understand.

  3. zappaDPJ

    zappaDPJ Regular Member

    May 27, 2013
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    London, England
    What angers people the most is not that 'time and effort is being put into VB5', it is that like vBulletin 4, 'it is a work in progress'. It's a philosophy that's been adopted by vBulletin ever since they were bought by Internet Brands and it's wrong and in breach of many trading laws. A product has to be fit for purpose and not a work in progress. You wouldn't buy a sandwich that's a work in progress or a car that's a work in progress. They have to be complete and fit for purpose. XenForo 1.0 was complete and fit for purpose when I purchased it but vBulletin 4.0 was not. vBulletin 5.x is not fit for purpose a year after the initial release.

    Your mid set seems to be the same as the mind set of Internet Brands, that it's acceptable to sell a product that is a work in progress. They are wrong and so are you.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2014
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  4. jmurrayhead

    jmurrayhead Regular Member

    Jun 7, 2012
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    And here's another that will no longer be using vB5.
    Big al likes this.
  5. BirdOPrey5

    BirdOPrey5 #Awesome

    Jul 16, 2011
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    The Anti VB/IB Agenda- Hurt vBulletin/Punish Internet Brands with every post agenda. The people who feel they were screwed over so they'll screw IB back agenda. I'm not saying it isn't fair, but it does exist- don't pretend it doesn't.
    Even trying to get in a parting shot you are again wrong. For the record IF there would be bloat, and I don't consider it bloat, it would be template boat not PHP bloat. The PHP code would be a single IF statement to determine whether to call a template the VB3 way or the VB4 way.

    It's acceptable to sell anything to me that people will buy that is legal. You give them the way to demo the software before purchase, you give them a demo forum ( and everything else and if they want to buy it, they buy it. If they don't, they don't. No one is forced to buy anything.
  6. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Can't believe you said that, that is like saying it's fine to sell crap to people (knowing it is crap) selling it as long as they buy it. Some have standards and don't want to do that, as in XenForo case. And it's why more and more people use it now. You really don't have a clue coming out with something like that, you really don't.

    You can sell crap to people, but once they discover is it crap and they should never have spent their money on it. You can then wave bye, bye to that customer ever buying anything from you again. Your philosophy on it is idiotic at best.

    IB didn't care at first because they had so many vB customers on their books when they first purchased Jelsoft. Now that's not the case anymore, they can't con as many people into buying their forum software. Can you not see what has happened these past few years, slowly people have left vB to other forum software because of exactly what you said. Sell crap to the customer as long they buy it.

    You can't run a business like that and not expect it won't eventually go down the plughole.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2014
    Big al and zappaDPJ like this.
  7. BirdOPrey5

    BirdOPrey5 #Awesome

    Jul 16, 2011
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    People do sell crap in a can- - If someone buys it I don't see the problem. One man's garbage is another man's treasure.
  8. Mark.B

    Mark.B Regular Member

    Jul 4, 2013
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    I don't know if they've contacted Support yet about their issues but if not, they should do so.
    Even if they are going to go elsewhere, we can help them get things to a manageable state in the interim.
  9. signal500

    signal500 Regular Member

    Nov 5, 2012
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    I've personally got 2 vBulletin forums at 3.8 with a million + posts and i also help manage 6-9 others depending on what needs done using vB 3.x and vB4 (one is on vB5 and looking to transfer ASAP). Prior to vB4 and 5 at the height, I was managing about 35+ active vBulletin installs for clients, most have converted to IPB (mostly for IP.Content) and a few have went to XenForo, while others have just sold their sites off.

    I was honestly waiting for vB4 to become good, and it really never happened. It was just subpar for so long, people just accepted it and labelled it "good enough". I held out on vB5 hope for the last year now, and today I've decided that it's just never going to happen. I'll be switching my 3.8 sites to IPB, and my clients who are wanting to upgrade i'll push them along similar routes to what best fits their communities and needs. Hopefully between those two communities I can rebuild the client list up to 35+ again.

    It's all good, cause no I wont have to visit the vBulletin section any more and see all the non stop trolling and the mindless dull defending of IB from two people who honestly haven't a clue in the world. #payday
    Big al and thewhatami like this.
  10. signal500

    signal500 Regular Member

    Nov 5, 2012
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    You're absolutely right, because someone else is selling shit every else might as well to. Get some business ethics and morals and then come back. Really I dont think you coulda found a better product to compare vBulletin to. Shit in a can. Absolutely genius Joe.

    You just don't get it. You never will.

    Good riddance.
    Autopilot, Big al and thewhatami like this.
  11. signal500

    signal500 Regular Member

    Nov 5, 2012
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    No people shouldn't have to contact support for something that is sold as a WORKING fully functioning product.

    Your product should work right out of the install process. Kinda like past versions have, and kinda like every other major forum software does, and kinda like every other anything does. It just works.

    Your software doesn't. You suck.

    Big al and thewhatami like this.
  12. BirdOPrey5

    BirdOPrey5 #Awesome

    Jul 16, 2011
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  13. signal500

    signal500 Regular Member

    Nov 5, 2012
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    Big al and thewhatami like this.
  14. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Don't say that you'll have @Big al chasing him all across America. :wideyed:
    Big al likes this.
  15. zappaDPJ

    zappaDPJ Regular Member

    May 27, 2013
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    London, England
    I do believe it because he clearly believes it but we both know that he's wrong. The only way his argument would stand up in the UK would be if the goods were second hand and even then they are covered by the the Sale of Goods Act 1979.

    But I love his 'shit in a can' analogy, I couldn't have put it better myself. On that we are in complete agreement :P
    Big al and thewhatami like this.
  16. John

    John Regular Member

    May 23, 2009
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    vB4 was the beginning of the end of the very lucrative vB 3rd party industry. I was smart enough to see the writing on the wall (thanks to being a member of the alpha and beta teams) and sold my business while it still had considerable worth. At that time it was in the top 3 most successful theme businesses for forum themes, in existence. It was abandoned by the guy who bought it from me almost two years ago and doesn't exist at all, now, entirely due to IB's ruination of the market. Obviously my predictions were correct, and I'm grateful I got out when I did. Pretty much all of the commercial vB theme companies still online today are dead in the water...practically abandoned. I was very bitter about what IB did to vB for a long time, but not any longer...I just don't care anymore. I can't even begin to imagine how much money has been robbed from how many people like myself by the utter abuse of the vB brand by IB over the years...but it easily explains the visceral disgust many have towards them.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2014
    Big al, GTB and zappaDPJ like this.
  17. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Think I tested vB4 once, maybe two times. Both removed only hours later, and like you I could see after IB bought Jelsoft and released vB4 in a state at first that then took years to fix afterwards so it was seen as OK for using. I just knew back then it was pointless sticking with vBulletin, you could see even then that all IB was interested in is selling anything people will buy and have no moral scruples about doing it. It's about getting money out you to them, and they don't care what they sell to get it, they use their front men to hide behind like Mark and Joe to take all the flak on other forums for it - while IB stay hidden in the background saying nothing.

    How can anyone even deal with a company who hides behind it's staff. When was the last time a proper IB rep came forward on vBulletin and answered some hard questions, instead of always being people like Mark, Joe and Paul jumping to their rescue trying in vain to answer questions on their behalf and then wonder why people give them attitude.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2014
    Big al likes this.
  18. BirdOPrey5

    BirdOPrey5 #Awesome

    Jul 16, 2011
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    I am not looking for employment. I do not need to be employed. I am a support staff member because I like helping people and I like doing so with an official title even better. It is not now, and never has been, about the money for me.
  19. Terry

    Terry Regular Member

    Oct 12, 2010
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    This is your thinking, my thinking is that time and effort is not being put into VB4 ..This is the version that i intend to stay with, .. VB/IB will not get another penny from me .. EVER ... o VB5 is out of the question for me ..
    Big al likes this.
  20. Terry

    Terry Regular Member

    Oct 12, 2010
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    Forget it!!
    Big al likes this.

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