Moving to Xenforo from vBulletin 4

Discussion in 'XenForo Discussions' started by cpvr, Oct 15, 2013.

  1. Superboy

    Superboy Most Likely, I'm Insane.

    Jun 13, 2012
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    New Jersey
    Ugh, I feel like my traffic has dropped in half since switching back to IPB in August.

    I am so tempted to switch back to XF as there are a few things i miss :P My traffic always did seem higher with XF
  2. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    How's your traffic on IPB though? I've also noticed an increase from search traffic, so that's a good sign. Activity is really nice as well and we're nearing 200k posts. Not as much as your community, but we're doing okay. How did your members feel when you switched to IPB? You should switch back to XF, they update quite frequently and their features are quite nice. I recommend the software.

    Also, one of our competitors switched to IPB prior to us switching to XF and we saw that they add more features than us, so we went to XF and stole some of their fan base at the same time. They barely have anyone online when we're in our peak hours or on our off hours. I never was a fan of IPB even though I tried it years ago.
  3. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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  4. Superboy

    Superboy Most Likely, I'm Insane.

    Jun 13, 2012
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    New Jersey
    @cpvr Don't get me wrong,I absolutely love IPB, despite a few annoying small things.

    It really is the best overall for me. I love the fact that i can get things like IP content, Chat, downloads, etc etc from Invision without having to fork out cash to other 3rd parties and hope that it integrates properly with everything.

    I do love Xenforo for its modern looks and feel and there are things I miss from Xenforo but I have to remind myself of how behind I felt as an admin using IPB and having to rely on 3rd party add-ons to fill holes in the software and having to wait till they got update to work with the newest update of Xenforo. Now any add-ons I use are more so a want than a need with IPB.

    I did a 3.5 month comparison in google analytics for my site....May-July was on xenforo and August-November was on IPB.

    It does look like switching from Xenforo to IPB has benefited my site more since moving.

    47 percent increase in total visits
    61 percent increase in unique visitors
    14 percent increase in page views
    23 percent decrease in pages per visit
    5 percent decrease in duration time avg
    22 percent increase in bounce rate
    9.2 percent increase in New Visits

    But what bothers me it seems like when I used Xenforo there were more people online than now with IPB.

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