Dear vBulletin Forum Community - vBSEO is Suspending Operations

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by ILIA-VBSEO, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. Big al

    Big al Regular Member

    May 14, 2013
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    HUH? Is a verbal contract relevant? I am sure that the server logs would show the true picture. And are likely to prove that Ilia IS a co-owner.
  2. Big al

    Big al Regular Member

    May 14, 2013
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    Stop trying to indicate that there is ONLY the one way out if this.
    You know, I am totally unconcerned as to whether any legal entities are involved at this stage. The complains are from a co-owner AND customers and others who are interested in this matter.

    I AM concerned about the opinion of CUSTOMERS, (NOT the hangers on of a weird legal system). who deserve a proper explanation and deserve to be able to discuss the matter so as to protect their investment.
    Sorry to say, but lawyers and such are not as important as you would like to make out, trade was being done for a long time without them.

    Frankly after seeing you stick up for a admin who is supporting fraudsters in what could be a violation of your Lawyer principles earlier and now seeing you post what I consider to also be crap, ( I acknowledge your right to post your opinion but then you are responsible for it), I am suspicious of YOUR agenda.

    Ilia is posting and regardless of her personal feelings she is doing her best to AID the CUSTOMERS, remember them ?
  3. Big al

    Big al Regular Member

    May 14, 2013
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    Thank you Andres. For posting and giving us some feedback it is appreciated.

    I look forward to seeing something from Juan, as I think most of us are.
    djbaxter likes this.
  4. Big al

    Big al Regular Member

    May 14, 2013
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    How strange to see you post this. And how long do you consider any discussion would last before we see Bannings, Deletions, Removal of posts, the use of such programs like "sent to Coventry, Discourage users, Miserable users," or any of the other things that admins do to vainly try to stop the truth from being posted?

    I think it is called censorship. All fail of course, but the admins who try to hide the truth will keep trying them.

    A frank and OPEN discussion is one way to go and hopefully now that we see Juan say he will address the matter we can go forward.
  5. Lizard King

    Lizard King Regular Member

    Jun 9, 2012
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    In your dreams maybe and additionally none of the server log can indicate that she was an owner. Most of the staff had access to server logs including me and Oleg and in fact we had way more access then Ilia ever had. So maybe that makes us owners also ? What do you think ?
    djbaxter likes this.
  6. Big al

    Big al Regular Member

    May 14, 2013
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    Although I do not have access to them, I think that the server logs would show posts and messages between the co-owners and so verify things. Are you saying that the server logs do not indicate this?

    I may be mistaken. but my understanding is that all posts and messages including PM's and any messages in "hidden areas" if they exist, would be stored in the logs.
    Is this correct?

    If, as you say you have access then you can check to see if Ilia is posting the truth.
  7. Lizard King

    Lizard King Regular Member

    Jun 9, 2012
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    Ilia or joe had no access to vBSEO server ... The current server is from softlayer and was set after they left the company.

    That is the reason why the database they seem to hold is that old. It is a very outdated database.

    The information she posted , like my message posted on staff area , was copied to Ilia by Phillip Herbes ( ex staff member for german support )

    Do you start to see the actual reality here my friend ?
  8. Big al

    Big al Regular Member

    May 14, 2013
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    Thank your for your reply. The earlier logs will still show messages and posts I would think, and this was my point, that messages between Ilia and Juan may contain verification of her claims, I was going to say either parties claims, but we have yet to hear from Juan. Purely as an example ( note I am NOT saying this happened) if say Juan messaged to Ilia saying something like " as you are a co-founder/co-owner what do you think about us doing this ? " Then this or similar would indicate that she is/was a co-owner.

    This would then indicate that the logs COULD in theory show the facts. Yes, this IS hypothetical but I have not seen the logs so this is only to show that they could be useful.

    As for the reality, I am open to logical argument, but so far apart from a note kindly supplied by another, we have had no response from Juan. I am sure he has his side of things but if he does not present them, then how can we judge?

    He may blow all the impressions we have apart, Who knows, but until he does that, then the posts here are all we have to go on.

    Please explain this. When you say "left the company" Did she resign? She could only leave a company if she was part of it? You seem to know some of the story, so was Ilia a "partner" ( for want of a better word)
    or was she not?
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2013
  9. Lizard King

    Lizard King Regular Member

    Jun 9, 2012
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    It looks like you have no idea what server log means. So no need to explain anything more to you imo.

    I am not obligated to explain anything to anyone . Additionally that is not something i've been following. That is something between Ilia and Juan. Only information i know is Crawlability Inc. CEO announced staff that Ilia and Joe is no longer with vBSEO. That is more then enough for me.
  10. Big al

    Big al Regular Member

    May 14, 2013
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    No you are not obligated to explain anything. But it is common courtesy to answer requests about statements you make.

    I was asking for clarification to a statement you made. A simple request. You and others seem very reluctant to say exactly what happened, but hint that Ilia may be wrong.

    Your refusal to answer a reasonable question as to whether Ilia WAS a co-founder/co-owner speaks volumes.

    There does seem to be a lot that is being hidden. So far only Ilia has come forward and posted openly and is answering reasonable questions while others are not.
    This to me at least backs up what she is saying as true.

    Ilia has claimed that she was/is a co owner and no one has been able to counter that claim. Why is this I wonder.
  11. Lizard King

    Lizard King Regular Member

    Jun 9, 2012
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    Dude i already responded that question. If you are lazy enough not to read previous messages in this thread that is not my issue.

    Plus i am not information desk. I was an employee on the company. You need to go check with trade office etc.. to see what is the exact share percentage on the company.

    All i know legally vBSEO was always 100% owned by Juan Muriente on papers... I can't speak what they discussed internally or not , i was not there that day.
    IcEWoLF likes this.
  12. Big al

    Big al Regular Member

    May 14, 2013
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    Seems to back up that Ilia was at least a co-founder.
    Joe Ward likes this.
  13. Lizard King

    Lizard King Regular Member

    Jun 9, 2012
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    Why don't you simply ask Ilia about putting the proof out here that she owns 50% of the company ?
    She put tons of other information on this thread including screenshots of other users posts , why don't no one ask the very simple proof ?

    If she is the owner , she must have a proof right ?

    Where is that proof ?
    ProSportsForums, djbaxter and Brandon like this.
  14. Big al

    Big al Regular Member

    May 14, 2013
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    You are asking the question, so why not ask her and if you are in contact with Juan you can ask him as well.
    Ilia says she will answer questions, so if you want an answer to this then ask her.
  15. Lizard King

    Lizard King Regular Member

    Jun 9, 2012
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    I am not the one that is making up senarios about that. I simply put out a fact i know :

    I don't know if Ilia and Juan ever agreed on partnership , i was not working with Crawlability Inc then and it is not staff's responsibility to know the exact share owners of the company they work for.

    The fact i know is vBSEO always had only Juan Muriente name within all legal things and on official papers he was the sole owner of the company. For example even today on vBSEO backend ( for license database ) there is a very simple text that is still same since the first day i checked that section ( only change is the year )

    vBSEO is © 2005-2012 Juan Carlos Muriente and the Crawlability, Inc. Team. All Rights Reserved.
    ProSportsForums and djbaxter like this.
  16. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Find it hard to believe he would lock her out the company unless he felt he had a legal right to do so with no comebacks, ie: she isn't listed as being part of the company, and she's failed to show any proof of that when asked already by members in this thread to do it, she skips around it.
  17. Boomerang

    Boomerang Regular Member

    Jul 16, 2013
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    The evidence of her ownership is readily available via the vbseo server log as stated previously, one just needs to be pure of heart and wield a cryptex to see it.

    GTB likes this.
  18. Joe Ward

    Joe Ward Regular Member

    Feb 2, 2010
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    Tampa, Florida
    Exhibit A: He knows Juan owns it all.

    Exhibit B: He doesn't know who owns it.

    A great indication of ego, not of ownership. Does he share ownership with the corporation?

    BTW - You still have access to the backend systems "today"?

    Notice: Mert wasn't around for the formation of the company. He doesn't know anything about how it was founded, other than what he was told by his friend.

    He shares the same critical opinion of Juan (as shown), but still wants to struggle to prove (for some reason) that Juan is the sole owner with nothing more than unfounded assertions.

    We can post information all day including online articles showing the co-founders together, and he'll selectively ignore them. There are no documents stating Juan Muriente is the 100% owner of Crawlability Inc.

    Server conversations are not needed. There are sufficient emails if it needs to get to the level of publishing more personal exchanges.

    Mert - I suggest you stop speaking as an authority on the subject. See Exhibit A and B above.
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2013
    IcEWoLF, GTB and Brandon like this.
  19. Joe Ward

    Joe Ward Regular Member

    Feb 2, 2010
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    Tampa, Florida
  20. djbaxter

    djbaxter Regular Member

    Jul 4, 2009
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    Ottawa ON Canada
    That may show that you were present for an early press conference. If it comes to legal action, that does not show in what capacity you were there and certainly is not proof of any sort of ownership. Also, of course, if the true owner is a corporation (Crawlability, Inc.), officers of corporations can and do often change with some frequency.

    So all any of this tells us is that at one time you were part of the vBSEO "team" (in some capacity) and for the past few years (4?) you have not been part of that "team". That was already an established fact so there's nothing new here.
    ProSportsForums likes this.

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