It is painful working with vBcover - iCart

Discussion in 'Community Forum Software' started by WEfail, Nov 26, 2012.

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  1. fattony69

    fattony69 Regular Member

    Jun 14, 2009
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    I don't know how I ended up in this thread as I haven't used vBulletin in quite a while nor do I have any need for a shopping cart. Although, I am kind of glad that I am in this thread because I got to watch a pissing contest on an electric fence. I don't know what it is about people who run websites, but their damn egos are bigger than they are. It is quite funny because if you read this thread without any expectation or prior notice, it is very entertaining. I see @WEfail here giving his OPINION. His god damn opinion. He is entitled to his opinion. He is sharing his opinion with others. He did a good job writing it up. Now, @Brandon and @Miner come in and give their OPINIONS. Brandon says he has READ "a lot of bad reviews." and Miner (who by the way makes good skins and I'd buy one if I needed one) says he looked into it, but decided to build his own chimes in with that statement.

    All of a sudden, @Lionel comes here and starts arguing the hell out of these claims making separate claims of theft. Theft means stealing. If you have read what Wefail said, he says he bought your product. Hated your support and hated the product. Then he stated that if he could access, he would copy and paste his statements, but you claim he is stealing because he wants access.

    Lionel also states that he has over 400 purchases with a 98% awesome customer rate. This reminds me of high school when guys would tell about all the girls that have slept with them. Each one of them would be railed and enjoyed it. Truth be told, they were lucky if they had sex with one girl and she would say that he only lasted for 2 minutes. See this? Pissing contest on an electric fence.

    Lionel's product might be the best god damn product in the world. Lionel made himself to be a complete idiot by arguing constantly like a fool. All publicity is a good publicity. That statement works with some things, but retail isn't one of them. Sure Lionel gets a few purchases. Yes, Lionel will get a few. Lionel will lose out of the majority of the potential purchases. It is simple retail knowledge.

    Now, I can go on and on about this pissing contest, but I can tell you who won? The winner on who hit the electric fence is Lionel. He didn't address the issue, but rather circumvent the situation and created a bigger one by being on the offense and just attacking. I had read the reviews. I had read the other accused reviews. Man, you really know how to troll. I will give you that. Your approach is piss poor for handling this. I've been in retail and service and with every angry customer, you grin and face it. You just nod your head and get to work. If you can't do any more, you politely explain why. If they continue, just politely exclaim how to fix the situation. If in that situation still continues, refund their damn money and tell them that you are sorry and try another product. Instead, you go ballistic. Congrats on being a fool. This is what I love about the internet. THIS SHIT ISN'T GETTING DELETED AND CAN BE USED FOR OTHERS TO REFERENCE.

    Overall, I got a chuckle at 3:15am. Thanks for it. As for WEfail, keep it up at what you do, but take it easy on the copyrights for your photos...
    Brandon and WEfail like this.
  2. GasMan320

    GasMan320 Regular Member

    Aug 30, 2012
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    Northern California

    If you know the product doesn't work on his server, why not just issue a refund and do as @fattony69 said and just tell @WEfail that you're unable to help him any further.
    WEfail likes this.
  3. WEfail

    WEfail Regular Member

    Sep 9, 2012
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    i wanted to make sure Lionel doesn't use my screen captures as testimonials on his vBcover - iCart page.


    Seriously, it is what it is. Lionel has taken the money, locked me out, he knows his product (icart) doesn't work. Lioen was given jailed access, then root. A live production server with 1 year uptime then went offline.

    Im not mad, I am happy to share the story of why people should not buy vBcover - iCart. Lionel and his boy Ryan (might be him as well) are building their case on vBorg but my review of hi product stands. I know he is mad now at a few people, including me. I would be happy to get a refund and state that was the case and be done with it. I suspect that despite Lionel knowing that I can't use icart he will just live with my review of it.

    I guess i only wonder why after all this and before it even got to this, why not create some resolution??

    Anyhow, he says he doesn't have the time for this so I guess this topic might die off now.
  4. Lionel

    Lionel Regular Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    Now this is the best. A guy who has been using iCart since 10/26, all over sudden I can no longer access his site for a week, tried to get a refund, tried to intimidate me into giving up, claimed that my product messed up his site after 364 days up non stop, until now for a week and he blames me. I just found out that all along my IP was blocked, and I just accessed his site via a proxy, and guess what, my iCart is still running there all along. And he is crying everywhere demanding a refund.

    No wonder you have been evading all those trying to help you.Now what is that being called?
    you are a thief.
    And I promise you to post about that to all vendors that I know so they are aware of your new gimmick

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  5. Lionel

    Lionel Regular Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    And if you think that posting on that nasty site that belongs to you as per your signature and then also blocking me access will stop me, wait until you see what is coming to you
    WEfail likes this.
  6. WEfail

    WEfail Regular Member

    Sep 9, 2012
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    Hi Lionel

    it appears you do have the time to reply. Good

    Sadly, i have no uninstall instructions and cannot access them since you have blocked me. This is still the same test account / setup you were working with as you see the description here:
    You should also note that even with your Plugin disabled the page still shows, interesting. Perhaps that doesnt work right either.
    Please paste your 25 page manual and i would be happy to remove it since it doesn't work and will never work unless we remove suhosin, which we wont.

    Your vBulletin Cart doesn't work, never has. vBcover - iCart might as well been a turd wrapped in Christmas Paper.

    This was actually one of the other ideas for replacement:

    But then we went to another, WooCommerce. It actually functions normally!

    Why not spend the time making vBcover - iCart actually work instead of chasing me around trying to prove that I am swindling you.

    vBcover - iCart sucks as far as I am concerned. You remain arrogant and I hope no one ever buys from you again.

    I have no intention EVER of retracting what I said or straying from the truth.
  7. Lionel

    Lionel Regular Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    of course not. Keep on trying to save face after you have been caught red handed. Two sites admin and no one knows how to go to products and select uninstall? Then if you really had a problem like you claimed, that explains it.
    WEfail likes this.
  8. WEfail

    WEfail Regular Member

    Sep 9, 2012
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    He has no interest in refunding and never has. Lionel is happy to sell iCart, a shopping cart solution for vBulletin that in this instance doesn't work.

    Hate to break it to you but your plugin is disabled in the back end, your page still shows. Of course,like you know, vBcover iCart, it doesn't work. LOL
    The product listed for testing is a set of avatars that we give away free:
    But you already know that don't you Lionel :)

    I would be more than happy to have an independent person look at your plugin being off and your pages still working but you would likely try to discredit them too. Keep up the good fight on vBorg and here. I have nothing to gain by exposing vBcover & iCart.
  9. Lionel

    Lionel Regular Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    i Have no intention of refunding thieves.
  10. WEfail

    WEfail Regular Member

    Sep 9, 2012
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    I understand and already came to terms with that well before I disputed the payment to you. And I only felt that way because of how you handled yourself in the support thread but I have to try, I can't just give you money for crappy iCart support and iCart that doesn't work at all.

    I will write another review of WooCommerce vs vBcover iCart . I will tell you now, WooCommerce is the way to go for its simplicity and ability to actually work (on our box). So I am sure you know what to expect on this review when it happen.

    Anyhow, its been fun Lionel.
  11. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    Jun 1, 2009
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    This post reminds me of another complaint thread expect the provider did the right thing that time, only presented facts and certainly didn't use derogatory terms like @Lionel has.
    It was between one of my friends and staff, @KevinL, and a thread at webhostingtalk right here.
    You'll see an previous customer who was angry like we have here, with a list of complaints and Kevin came in and addressed every one of them without getting personal.
    I'd suggest you @Lionel do a little research on public and customer relations, this thread has not looked good for you at all even if you had valid points.
    I definitely will not be recommending you to anyone ever after seeing how you've acted in this thread. Take that how you want, your name still gets out there but considering I've worked on several 100 vb forums over the years and still do time to time, it is a small hit.
  12. Lionel

    Lionel Regular Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    yeah kevin is cool. Always calming things down

    and by the way, I agree with you about PR and customer relations. I am pretty cool with mine and I do swallow a lot of things. But question of principle, some things I will never accept. For example someone trying to rob or extort from me.

    And I am sorry if I got carried away on your site.
    Brandon likes this.
  13. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    Jun 1, 2009
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    No problem, it happens.
    Also please use the edit button when you're still the last reply.
    I've had to merge 3 sets of your post in this thread.

    Thanks :)
  14. Lionel

    Lionel Regular Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    oops sorry, I got spoiled by vB auto-merged
  15. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    Jun 1, 2009
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  16. Lionel

    Lionel Regular Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    looks interesting. My interest in xenForo slowed down a lot. I don't see them developing it anymore and do not know what is going to happen with that lawsuit. It does not look too good.
  17. Miner

    Miner Forum Theme designer

    Aug 25, 2012
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    I am very sorry if my post had hurt you and my intention is not that 100%, also i have no rights to comment any negative with you or your products as i have not purchased any until today or had faced any bad moments between us.
    Sorry again.
  18. Lionel

    Lionel Regular Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    no hard feelings at all Miner. You just had me worried for a while. I usually remember all my customers and since I could not remember you I was wondering if I was getting old.:)
    sometimes I go 48 hours non stop. The bulk of my customers are overseas and with time gap, that's not easy

    @Brandon. I have some 3000 customers and they all got spoiled by priority support and fast answer, so that keeps me busy and really have no time for fake issues.
    I once had a lady who came nastily and angrily at me because I did not explain in manual what was a textarea (in custom fields creation). That did not get me upset, because once I started to explain to her, she listened and did not behave like someone who already had all answers. Another one raised hell because I did not explain what a database was. But once someone comes to me, asks for something and before I have a chance to answer comes up with a ridiculous solution, then, I get very annoyed. Why? Because that takes time away from me. Time that could have been for some one else with a real problem.
  19. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    Jun 1, 2009
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    I’m glad business is doing well for you, I really only freelance an hour or two a week anymore. I have a fulltime job, a kid and a rather active life outside of the internet. :thumbsup:
  20. Lionel

    Lionel Regular Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    I've got 2 kids and vBcover keeps me glued in front of the PC. If not because of my loyal customers I would have packed long time ago.
    Brandon likes this.
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