Spam on, what do you think about it?

Discussion in 'XenForo Discussions' started by Brandon, Nov 8, 2012.

  1. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    Jun 1, 2009
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    Topeka, Kansas
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    Seems every morning when I login and check the new post on I'll see a dozen or so Spam threads, what's up with those?

    We saw last week or the week before that Mike "fixed" the spam issue, but it's obvious that this isn't the case and the devs are depending on the moderators to remove any spam that's been posted.

    Do the xenforo devs even care anymore, we haven't seen updates in months like we use to every few weeks. We haven't had Ashley's questions answered which we're told would be posted several weeks ago, no one really knows what's going on.

    Seeing the forum is spammed every day sure doesn't make xenforo look good by any means. There are a few spam mods that have been posted which will prevent spam post from even going public, why haven’t the devs fixed this problem?

    oman likes this.
  2. GasMan320

    GasMan320 Regular Member

    Aug 30, 2012
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    Northern California
    Very rarely do great coders make great businessmen. And even more rarely do they make good customer service people. XenForo is a one dimensional company where the guys at the top thought that if their product is better than what else is out there, then that's all that matters. That surge of excitement wears off after a while and then if a company isn't able to deal with the day to day boring minutiae of running a business, we see what is currently happening with XenForo. Kier always had issues with communicating even when he was at Jelsoft/IB, and him starting a new company didn't change that aspect of his personality. The sad thing is that he's an awesome programmer but either due to ignorance/ego/pride/whatever he hasn't sought out someone to fill a leadership role at the company who actually knows how to properly interact with a customer base.
    Dan Hutter, CM30 and Brandon like this.
  3. CM30

    CM30 Regular Member

    Jul 1, 2012
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    I think it shows a complete lack of effort from the XenForo devs, and that they don't really care about the community.

    Sure the lawsuit is hurting them a lot, but at least reassure people they're still interested in XenForo.

    And the comment about great coders not making great businessmen is so, so true. So many companies were sunk by great coders with zero business sense.
    Brandon likes this.
  4. Cerberus

    Cerberus Admin Talk Staff

    May 3, 2009
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    They should install that mod LOL Seems to work fairly well @Brandon
    Brandon likes this.
  5. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    XenForo as forum software is dead, you won't see anymore major releases made. If you can't see that by now you need you're eyes testing. KAM are just seeing the court-case out and when finished "all will become clear" very fast. All that's going on now, is KAM are trying to salvage what they can out the court case, while still scraping in the odd sale to help support it. They shouldn't be selling XenForo to people anymore, it borders on being illegal (a scam) what they are doing now.
  6. dojo

    dojo Regular Member

    Feb 9, 2012
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    Well, how about some people would actually apply as mods? I wasn't ever bothered with spam, since it happens on ALL sites. You can't really prevent it 100% and people should learn to relax and breathe a little. Not to mention I find it funny to see all people are so active on the community forums and not on theirs. I see many people who keep on discussing what's like on the XF board, taking the time to go there few times a day to see all the spam (I haven't see any yet, since I log in maybe once a day, since it's bookmarked and I open all my bookmarks at once), but have 4 posts/day on their forums. It's not going great there, I agree, but how about we'd either leave them to handle their site and manage our own stuff or lend a helping hand. If 1% of th epeople who are constantly complaining about how bad all is at XF would actually get involved and not just place the blame, they'd probably have more posts than gaia online.

    I don't think VB will kill xenforo, the 'community' seems to do it better and faster. Have never in my life seen such a bunch of whiners as their customers. And yes, I have paid a lot for licenses too, so I have 'lost' money. But you don't see me spending each minute of my life whining about how bad it is. You have a forum, run the darn thing and let them run their business. OR HELP. Or sell your licenses till they're worth something and get back to VB. Their support has been outstanding too in the past 3 years. Superb I might add, so good, I always had to find a solution on my own. But hey, I don't come and open a new thread each day complaining about how they're going downhill, how VB5 sucks (and it does), how I never got ANY help, but paid thousands in licenses and renewals etc.

    Let's focus on our sites, shall we? If it all goes to hell, we can always migrate to something else. I have done countless migrations and don't remember being so worried about them. Anything with a database can be migrated or tweaked :)
  7. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Why on earth should anyone volunteer as mods helping them clean spam away from XenForo, when there's mods out their they could use already to stop spam from happening like XenUtilities?

    They can't even be bothered telling people what's going on, or do anything about the spam themselves. So why should anyone care one bit about helping them out? People are daft that way, think not!

    Why don't you apply as a mod, seeing as your advising others do it. Become a free spam cleaner for them leading the way if you think others should do it.
  8. GasMan320

    GasMan320 Regular Member

    Aug 30, 2012
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    Northern California
    I agree that complaining isn't really a solution but then again your suggestion (if I'm understanding it correctly) of not caring isn't really one either Dojo. XenForo is a business. It is not a community project, or a club, or a hobby, or a charity organization. Why should people donate their time and efforts to a company who has shown no initiative in taking care of its own customers. People may be fans of the software but they are not going to forever stay fans of a company that shows no regard for the very people who are directly responsible for their success. Customers are well within their rights to demand they be provided with a service which they have paid for. If you stopped communicating with your web design clients for months, wouldn't they be well within their rights to complain about you and your business? The same thing is happening here.

    I think what is more damaging to the community is the people who are apologists for the terrible customer service that XenForo has been providing its customers. The people who say "Hey its not a big deal, I'm okay with it and therefore you should be too!" If a person has paid XenForo and doesn't mind the company ignoring him or her completely, that's fine, but that same customer shouldn't then start becoming a XenForo fanboy/apologist and start telling other customers to stop caring. These comments aren't directed at you btw Dojo, but at all the people on XenForo's forum that attack and vilify the paying customers who actually want a real update from the company.
    Dan Hutter, WEfail and GTB like this.
  9. WEfail

    WEfail Regular Member

    Sep 9, 2012
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    Xenforo ship has sailed IMO and fortunately enough for me and my sites I never migrated. Great way to disrupt a community jumping ship.
    They don't care any longer because there is no light at the end of the tunnel im sure.

    All this thread needs is some vBulletin sucks comments


    Brandon likes this.
  10. fattony69

    fattony69 Regular Member

    Jun 14, 2009
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    vBulletin sucks. There.

    As for the spam...vBulletin sites get it too...
  11. WEfail

    WEfail Regular Member

    Sep 9, 2012
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    Strange, almost never on my boards.
  12. fattony69

    fattony69 Regular Member

    Jun 14, 2009
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    When I ran vBulletin, I had it quite a lot. I put multiple measures to fix it. As for XenForo, I bought that one modification and I only get human spammers.
  13. WEfail

    WEfail Regular Member

    Sep 9, 2012
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    Then you were doing something wrong on vBulletin. :(
    And if you had such great success with that plugin you should suggest it to them :p
    fattony69 likes this.
  14. fattony69

    fattony69 Regular Member

    Jun 14, 2009
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    I've been doing stuff wrong since I started my forum haha
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  15. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    Apr 20, 2003
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    vBulletin SUCKS! :D
    WEfail likes this.
  16. oman

    oman Regular Member

    Oct 4, 2012
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    Sydney, Australia
    When it comes to Slavik saying 'Mike made some changes', I now don't really believe what he said. Firstly, there was no difference in the amount of spam. Secondly, when I replied to Slavik's post and asked what changes were made, he didn't respond.

    Anyway, the forums will continue to be an area for uggboot and handbag sales.

    Installing something like KeyCAPTCHA would do the trick.
    Brandon likes this.
  17. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    Jun 1, 2009
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    Looks like xenforo sites are getting hit again, the xrunner forum spamming app has been updated.
    We got hit last night but our spam protection stopped all of them from posting or making it on the forum.

  18. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Lots of XenForo sites have been devastated today by the new wave of spam attacks after XRumer got updated, it's only going to get worse for XenForo users each time that spam script gets updated. I don't know how you lot can continue on using XenForo anymore, it's useless at stopping these spammers?
    Brandon likes this.
  19. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    Jun 1, 2009
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    I saw users on xf post that their phpbb boards were compromised as well, I don't think this is just a xenforo issue, but it does make you wonder what everyone would do if the devs stopped updating their spam protection mods.
  20. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    It won't be specifically targeting XF forums only, and I read that person mention his phpBB but didn't say if they got in or what he's using to stop them? Will depend how popular your site is, but so far I've had no spammers getting in (bar one only), but can see Russian, Chinese and Ukraine bots all on the site none stop trying to post or register. They are even trying to post on the guest forum a lot, but have failed to do so at the moment. But they are hammering even my site, which is new really. They have been doing past two weeks.

    But it seems like XenForo "Questions and Answera" isn't that good at stopping them, because that's all I'm using with phpBB3. Nothingf else to stop them with it. I've seen XRumer on my site, I've also banned a script via htaccess that was spotted belonging to XRumer coming pretty often at one point.

    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^xpymep.exe
    RewriteRule ^.* - [F,L]
    Brandon likes this.

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