vBulletin 5 Connect Beta 17 has been released

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by News Bot, Nov 5, 2012.

  1. News Bot

    News Bot Regular Member

    Apr 28, 2011
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    Cyber Space
    vBulletin 5 Connect Beta 17 is NOW AVAILABLE for license holders to download.
    Prospective customers may preview vB5 Connect at www.vbulletin.com/vb5demo/.

    The vBulletin 5 Connect Beta 17 feedback thread for licensed customers is HERE. We use your feedback to improve vBulletin.

    Beta 17 addresses 127 issues. However, we recommend you not utilize vBulletin Betas for live sites.

    Note: As with all Beta releases, no phone or ticket support will be provided for Beta 17. However, customers purchasing a vBulletin 5 Connect license will receive 30 days of free ticket support--with a start date commencing upon the Gold release.

    1. VBV-5024 URL too long for js.php call in footer
    2. VBV-5737 Upgrade SQL syntax Error
    3. VBV-5567 Permissions error prevents creating blog entry
    4. VBV-5306 Album records are not properly imported while upgrading (vB 3.8.7)
    5. VBV-5486 Latest Activity tabs filtering in Homepage and Forum page is inconsistent
    6. VBV-5475 Mobile App: Going to any forum crashes the app (iOS)
    7. VBV-5572 "Unable to contact server" error popup when clicking the topics tab
    8. VBV-5588 Registered Users unable to create a New Topic when the "Verify Email In Registration" option is enabled.
    9. VBV-4797 Home page lost on upgrade
    10. VBV-5691 Error while upgrading from earlier vB5 version than 5
    11. VBV-4713 Advertisement improvements. Only show ads on "content pages"
    12. VBV-5699 Forum Topics: The Inline Mod buttons are broken (do not open their dropdown menus)
    13. VBV-5692 Clicking Edit on post causes unlimited Working....
    14. VBV-5769 URL for images attached via Advanced Editor is not correct
    15. VBV-5779 homepage error, the activity stream show nothing
    16. VBV-3762 Closure table not created as innodb
    17. VBV-5592 Mobile App: Can't log in after logging out (iOS)
    18. VBV-5740 Cannot access site builder functionalities even if having permission (on vb5demo)
    19. VBV-4607 APIs called via AJAX cannot be extended
    20. VBV-4799 Social Group page loads very slowly
    21. VBV-5294 Attachments uploaded via advanced editor are using the wrong permissions
    22. VBV-5129 Subscription to blog channel is not recognized
    23. VBV-5094 Attachment limits in AdminCP do not work
    24. VBV-2768 User Online image in postbit doesnt function - always shows "X is offline"
    25. VBV-4945 Need to batch permission queries.
    26. VBV-5551 Some scheduled tasks fail with invalid_query_definition_x error when run
    27. VBV-2809 JSON Parsing Error : un-expecting character with link without http://
    28. VBV-5090 Permissions check should happen before uploading attachments/pics, not after
    29. VBV-2538 Blog comment editor box does not disappear after posting
    30. VBV-5082 Cache for node text relies only in nodeid
    31. VBV-5205 Deleting posts takes too long
    32. VBV-1209 Enable/Disable comments to blog entry is broken
    33. VBV-5143 Visible Post Element settings do not work for user. Still able to see Profile Picture when Show Profile Picture setting is unchecked.
    34. VBV-5002 Fatal Error when using $config['Datastore']['class'] = 'vB_Datastore_Filecache';
    35. VBV-5407 Latest Activity does not show the correct information in Groups page
    36. VBV-5424 User Receives Email Notification on own PM replies
    37. VBV-4985 Unable to Install Using Filesystem Cache
    38. VBV-5659 Inline images do not display
    39. VBV-5399 Moving private message to Pending Posts folder is broken
    40. VBV-5565 30 second wait between posts shows up when it shouldn't (when you do things that are unrelated to creating a post)
    41. VBV-5338 <Here> link for "Forgot Your Password" is broken on the "password does not match" page for changing a User's password
    42. VBV-5574 FR: "register" with no arguments returns permission denied.
    43. VBV-5337 No way to get a view of a certain user profile's visitor messages
    44. VBV-941 Ad module -- Second ad module does not have a different list of ads
    45. VBV-2759 Signature Image Upload doesnt save image
    46. VBV-4558 Build Search Index function is broken
    47. VBV-3409 Advanced Editor - Visitor Message is not loading CKEditor
    48. VBV-5220 "Can use repuation" usergroup settings not working
    49. VBV-4910 Search API doesn't support no prefix & any prefix
    50. VBV-5722 "Show profile picture" setting not checked by default when email verifcation is on
    51. VBV-4220 Posts have no time in topic (thread) view.
    52. VBV-3745 Merging threads will display an error message: no_permission
    53. VBV-1812 Unable to delete other user's Visitor Messages as admin
    54. VBV-5730 Thread tools and post tools are unaccesible in groups.
    55. VBV-5575 Multiple calls to getParents query
    56. VBV-2970 vBulletin 5 doesn't pass html validation
    57. VBV-5299 Upgrade CKEDITOR to 3.6.5
    58. VBV-4229 Server usage gets to 99% and on logs mysql timeout
    59. VBV-5604 Avatar names changed after the upgrade from 4.2 and they are not working now
    60. VBV-4369 Contenttype Queries
    61. VBV-5768 Regular users can't edit their own links
    62. VBV-5755 Groups tab displays "Error fetching groups" message
    63. VBV-5498 Mobile App: Trying to make a new album crashes (iOS)
    64. VBV-5783 Additional.css is not the lowest call
    65. VBV-5822 Human Verification - Upgrade moves Answer into Regular Expression/PCRE for Question Field
    66. VBV-4798 Blog Page Very Slow
    67. VBV-5442 Admincp update threads too slow
    68. VBV-3458 User Profiles - About: No limit defined for the user status
    69. VBV-5448 Guests can see Admin Link in footer
    70. VBV-5405 "Allow Comments" Phrase is hardcoded.
    71. VBV-818 "Posts Per Page" in user settings is ignored.
    72. VBV-4146 Inserting a table via the Advanced Editor does not display the table correctly
    73. VBV-5500 Advanced link in Profile filter leads to search results page
    74. VBV-5133 Module configuration for the channel module --- the "Latest Activity Date Range" doesn't "stick"
    75. VBV-4609 Home Latest Activity tab missing the new topics filter
    76. VBV-5502 Some Blog entries will not have the "Flag" button
    77. VBV-4633 Can't filter for topics with no prefix or topics with any prefix
    78. VBV-5563 "Press ALT 0 for help" text in reply to topic box
    79. VBV-2928 (Porting from vB4) Copy-pasting text in the editor pastes heading tags from original text
    80. VBV-5534 Debug templates list not display all the templates (Regression)
    81. VBV-5187 $config['Datastore']['class'] = 'vB_Datastore_Filecache'; = undefined constant VB_AREA
    82. VBV-4896 The "Add More Quotes" button appears on the content entry box at the bottom of the thread/topic
    83. VBV-5159 Strings of one character or more encapsulated in chevrons (<>) are removed when editing
    84. VBV-4874 Latest Activity on Post not working
    85. VBV-2754 Private messages moved from the trash folder disappear
    86. VBV-843 Auto-accept check box does not keep checked setting after save.
    87. VBV-4293 Deleting private message will permanently delete it rather than moving it to Trash (only on upgrades)
    88. VBV-4205 Phrase 'no_errors_occured_opening_upload' doesn't exist
    89. VBV-4658 Cannot access "Manage Subscribers" option from Blog administrative roll-over menu
    90. VBV-5490 progress.gif is missing
    91. VBV-4505 Site builder - Error activating SiteBuilder. (Error code 404)
    92. VBV-4636 User "Ranks" don't show in the postbit
    93. VBV-5436 photo uploads will have wrong row/column format after photos are removed
    94. VBV-2998 Last Activity Time Not Updating
    95. VBV-3972 Profile picture fails to load after upgrading from vB4.2
    96. VBV-3991 Custom bbcodes are not added to the ckeditor automatically (buttons aren't added)
    97. VBV-5330 Improper use of <vb:elseif ...> in two templates.
    98. VBV-3754 Sticky topics from child forum appear in parent forum topic list
    99. VBV-5328 Avatars are missing img alt attribute.
    100. VBV-5377 Closing tag for li in the footer template
    101. VBV-5376 Closing tag for li in the header template at line: 226
    102. VBV-5134 Text is not being wrapped in the Editor
    103. VBV-5704 Editing photo topic removes all tags from the post
    104. VBV-1613 Editor Link popup has feature to link to anchor, but there is no button to insert anchors
    105. VBV-5298 Notice: Undefined variable: link in sprint48m6\includes\vb5\template\bbcode.php on line 2439
    106. VBV-5284 Editing a post replaces it's immediate superchannel name with its title, in the breadcrumb
    107. VBV-4834 Unable to quote "Code" BB tag
    108. VBV-5708 Editing a search module breaks the module
    109. VBV-3430 Users shouldn't be allowed to see "add video" and "add photos" according to wireframes
    110. VBV-5497 Mobile App: Can't upload profile picture (iOS)
    111. VBV-3049 Non-user-friendly error message pops up when attempting to use a link without "http://" for a link topic
    112. VBV-5540 Charset is missing when site is off
    113. VBV-5770 Advanced editor attachment does not display in the media tab
    114. VBV-2015 Set Poll Timeout Hour and Minute levels are difficult to perform on itouch/iphone devices.
    115. VBV-3639 Permanent Ban phrase
    116. VBV-5788 Group Icon missing on upgrade from Beta 16 to Beta 17 #3
    117. VBV-2230 Remove outdated .htacess files.
    118. VBV-4585 For password verification on sitebuilder, move input field next to field label
    119. VBV-4597 Move buttons on Color Style to the right
    120. VBV-4610 Topic tab should not show the new topics filter
    121. VBV-5089 Error displayed when adding more photos than the amount allowed is not properly formatted
    122. VBV-5686 The default font when typing text in the Text field is different than the Title field font (Topics, Blog Entries, Replies)
    123. VBV-5706 No space above the announcements module/notices in the index
    124. VBV-5712 Text in editor is bigger (regression)
    125. VBV-1699 Delete post button should be "Delete Thread" instead
    126. VBV-4596 Input fields should be properly aligned and have uniform style
    127. VBV-2078 Blog Posts and Comments notifications are not meeting the wireframes design

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  2. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    Jun 1, 2009
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    Topeka, Kansas
    First Name:
    nice :thumbsup:

    I think I'm going to clear my install off and reinstall soon.
  3. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    They're really working hard on making vBulletin 5 a decent product. Has there been any updates on their URL changes or anything just yet? I'm still waiting to upgrade.
  4. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    Jun 1, 2009
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    Topeka, Kansas
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    There will be no update that I know of..
    It is what it is..
  5. CM30

    CM30 Regular Member

    Jul 1, 2012
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    I think hell will probably freeze over before you can ever class vBulletin 5 as a 'decent product'.
  6. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    Jun 1, 2009
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    Topeka, Kansas
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    The same could of been said for vBulletin 4 in 2009.
  7. CM30

    CM30 Regular Member

    Jul 1, 2012
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    Is vBulletin 4 decent? Well I guess you might class it as the low end of default...

    But IPB and XenForo are still leagues ahead of either.
  8. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    Jun 1, 2009
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    Topeka, Kansas
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    I've seen some successful sites running vbulletin 4
    Forever Young, cpvr and CM30 like this.
  9. CM30

    CM30 Regular Member

    Jul 1, 2012
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    I've seen some successful sites run WWWboard, but that doesn't mean it's decent software. Hell, GameFAQs is a successful site, but that doesn't mean its forum software doesn't suck.
    Brandon likes this.
  10. Iconic

    Iconic The Original

    Nov 2, 2011
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    That is your opinion, though IMO it will be far greater than XF and other softwares when it is done. I think its safe to say vbulletin are working hard to making it a very decent product. vB4 was crap back in the day, but it is pretty good now isn't it? :)
    Forever Young likes this.
  11. Superboy

    Superboy Most Likely, I'm Insane.

    Jun 13, 2012
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    New Jersey
    I'll give you IPB(IPB Fanboy here) since it is a good software but XF....ehhh.lol
    Brandon likes this.

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