Hey, everyone! I'm working on spreading the word on my forum a little more. It's a forum for music news, discussion, and discovery based on our internet radio station. The song currently being played on the station displays on each page of the forum with links to listen in on various platforms, and I'm getting help with an addon that will allow users to vote on and suggest songs for the playlist. Feedback is welcome. http://voiceradio.us Thanks!
Oops; I should bump this. Several nice things have happened in the past week: We reached 100 members on the site--and have continued to grow past that! Our radio station is now listed in the iTunes Radio directory under the Top 40 / Pop genre, which has been getting a fair amount of traffic already. Earlier tonight, we made plans to host our first syndicated show, "We Couldn't Think Of A Title," which will air every Saturday from 5-7pm Eastern. More details here! Forum stats: Discussions:291Messages:1,329Members:108Latest Member:MakeMoney
Lady Gaga fans, "Judas" is in high rotation... We've got some exciting stuff coming up in the next few days too; stay tuned.
Just a minor bump (since I haven't in a while--oops); we blew apart our record amount of traffic this evening (though looking at the bounce rate, I think many were bots), with a huge influx of activity via David Cook fans and an early report of John Mayer news (I think we were among the first to post it on Twitter, which helped it spread)--153 visits today compared to an average in the 40s for the past week or so. (That sounds kinda pathetic in retrospect...but I'll take it. ) Discussions:402Messages:2,162Members:145
I've made quite a few updates over the past few weeks and wanted to share them (though there are a couple more in the works ): New Playlist page to see all songs in rotation and request on Twitter and Facebook Updated footer with scrolling now playing info and latest news, more accessible links "Why Join?" information to guests A few minor design tweaks On the station side, we have three new DJs, a new evening show, and new music, of course. Feel free to respond with any comments, ideas, etc. I have one more thing coming in the next couple days that I'm really looking forward to, but that will come in due time.
Very nice forum, great theme and some cool features - though some of them do slow it down a little, good luck with your forum.
Those slow-downs are likely also due to my awful server. I need to talk to my co-admin about the possibility of doing something else, because it's not doing too well lately. :/ Thanks, though! Also wanted to announce our new Artist Alerts add-on: http://www.voiceradio.us/threads/add-on-artist-alerts.2414
Just wanted to say thank you to everyone here and beyond who has helped support or contribute to the site in the past year--today's our first birthday. http://www.voiceradio.us/threads/one-year-later.5129/
Sure does! Hopefully it's the first of many successful years. p.s. our Twitter username is changing shortly if any of you are following there...I've managed to free @voice from the evil grasp of username squatters.
Yep...and I look forward to all of the accidental mentions that will undoubtedly come when The Voice (the TV show on NBC) premieres again. If a Twitter account is inactive for an extended period and is unused, they will free it for your use if you file a "brand impersonation" claim. The one disclaimer (or perhaps just a benefit) is that you need to have the username as part of your domain. I didn't think they'd approve it since my URL is voiceradio.us and not something that just includes voice, but they did (after two and a half weeks, mind you, but it was over the holidays so it makes sense). Just waiting for the name to be switched over now. RWW article: http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/how_to_get_a_squatter_twitter_account_really.php