Have you ever given up on a community that you enjoyed?

Discussion in 'Managing Your Online Community' started by cpvr, May 27, 2011.

  1. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    I used to try to compete against that forum. When they found out about my off topic community, their members came and spammed my community up. It was funny really because those users thought we had what it takes to compete against them.
  2. iTuN3R

    iTuN3R Regular Member

    Jun 13, 2011
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    I was banned on a site where i was active for 8-9years . Gave new ideas and mock ups to make their site better . Then i was banned one day why cause i said i would support a rival guy like i did to this admin on private conversation . Never knew they were checking all PM's .
  3. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    Now thats ridiculous. What kind of rules did they have in place? Perhaps, their admins/moderators couldn't take critism.
  4. iTuN3R

    iTuN3R Regular Member

    Jun 13, 2011
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    It's one person site never believed in adding staffs . I don't really care much i do help everyone if they ask for . I don't hesitate from helping anyone unless there's some issue .
  5. Cerberus

    Cerberus Admin Talk Staff

    May 3, 2009
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    I have given up on many sites I liked. They just were not making the money needed to maintain them. Though, my most favorite of all was EpicOpinion.com .. It was probably my best work ever as for as customizations and such. I put a lot of time into it, but it was not my site. I was just admining for a friend, whom I trully miss with all of my heart. Things went kinda bad and I lost the site and maybe my friend, still working on my friend, but yeah it sucks to give up on something you do not want to. It was number one in every major search engine for the keyword Epic :(.. Wasnt doing to well on opinion though as for as SEO.. Opinion is a hard keyword LOL

    It shall be missed ... The worst is when you have to give up a site for too much traffic. I created an imagehost a couple years back with some unique ways of doing the images. And in like a week I was getting over 1 million hits a day. The site kept going down and I could not afford the hosting it needed.. So I sold it pretty cheap might I add because I had no choice. I barely made my money back on the whole debacle... It was fun coding that one though

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