Considering starting a blog

Discussion in 'Managing Your Online Community' started by Preemo, Nov 13, 2011.

  1. Preemo

    Preemo Regular Member

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Hello there,

    As you may have seen in some of my recent posts, I've recently got an Apprenticeship as a Sales person for a Network provider. I only left Secondary School 3 months ago, so everything's come so fast, as none of my friends are in full-time work.

    I'll want to share everything I do with the world wide web, even if it's small things like how I dealt with a certain problem with a client, or if I felt I achieved something really good.

    I was thinking about starting a personal blog, the domain being my first and second name, and then the title being "A day in the life of a teenage Sales Apprentice". Basically, I'd like to turn it into something where people in a similar industry or even who just want to read it can.. well, read it!

    Do you think it could be a success?

    Thank you,
  2. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    Apr 20, 2003
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    Some companies have contingencies in place for employees and websites like that, so be careful. It's not something you want to be doing while having the job. You can be lumped into insider trading suits if you're not careful with what you say.

    A better blog would be an industry thing like you suggested down here...
    To successfully do this, go to websites like and see what they do. And how they do it. Learning from other like-minded "industry" strategy blogs can be a precursor to how well your blog is set up. And I don't mean design wise, but your writing format. Your writing format for industry sites like that is instrumental to the success of your site.
    It can be, you just need to "air" your expertise. In fact, it's recommended by professionals to start your own personal blog and share your expertise, especially if you're an entrepreneur. Your next job can be a result of what you did with your blog.

    If you want an example of "personal" blog by company man - Kier Darby is the founder and developer of xenForo, and from time to time, he airs his own expertise. Today, everyone sees him as the expert in forum software. It's not just his involvement with vBulletin that put him in spotlight, it was also his blog. He's got a really intense following.
    cpvr and Brandon like this.
  3. Preemo

    Preemo Regular Member

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Thank you for that post, Carlos! It's really informative, I'll think about it all

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