Why do YOU deserve a FREE ticket to ForumCon?

Discussion in 'Community Forum Software' started by Murray Newlands, May 14, 2012.

  1. Murray Newlands

    Murray Newlands Regular Member

    Hey :)

    I'm Murray Newlands. I've been working with Brandon to get the word out about ForumCon!

    With one month to go for ForumCon I want to offer you the opportunity to win a ticket. ForumCon is a 1-day forum and communities conference taking place June 12th in San Francisco that is dedicated exclusively to managing, growing, and monetizing online communities.

    Do you have a small forum and cannot afford a ticket? I want to help. I have a small quantity of free tickets available for those that cannot afford to buy them (a $99 value). If you’d like to win won, reach out to me, Murray Newlands, at info AT influencepeople DOT com and let me know why you'd be interested in attending with “ForumCon Communities Conference” in the email subject line.

    I’ll pick a handful of my favorite responses and set them up with a complimentary ticket!
    A little more on what the conference will be covering this year...

    • Kris Jones, renowned author, will be giving a keynote presentation on SEO best practices for online communities.
    • Dan Gill, Founder & CEO of Huddler, will be talking about how online communities can better leverage their influence with online advertisers.
    • Other sessions to cover content monetization, advertising, community management, and platform technology.

    More information can be found on the ForumCon site. Hope to see many of you June 12th!

    - Murray
    Carlos, Iconic and Brandon like this.
  2. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    If anyone thinks this is a joke - I'm telling you otherwise.
  3. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    I would so love to attend this but this year with the move and everything, it just isn't cost effective for me to find a sitter for my kid and dog, then take days of work.

    I'll be in a lot better position next year and I'm really planning on trying to make this work.
  4. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    Bummer. It would be nice to meet you, Brandon!
  5. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    no doubt!
  6. Murray Newlands

    Murray Newlands Regular Member

    ForumCon is next week and we still have a few free tickets left!

    If you still haven't gotten your hands on one, email me at me AT murraynewlands {DOT} com with "ForumCon ticket" in the subject line!
    Brandon likes this.
  7. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    This is your chance people, get a free ticket!
    Iconic likes this.
  8. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    If I had the money for the plane ticket and everything else, I'd go. Looks like I'll be watching various tech sites when this goes down to see what's going to happen. I know vBulletin 5 is going to be announced there, so let's hop they introduced some new sleek shit, or make the layout better, upgrade the blog/cms feature, and other shit.
    Dan Hutter and Brandon like this.
  9. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    yup, I think this is going to be the big news of the whole conference.
    cpvr and Dan Hutter like this.
  10. Murray Newlands

    Murray Newlands Regular Member

    ForumCon is TOMORROW June 12th.

    Hotel Kabuki
    1625 Post St.
    San Francisco, CA 94115

    June 12, 2012.
    Doors open at 8:30.

    What you need:
    A ticket!

    Get your tickets NOW before it's too late!
    Brandon likes this.
  11. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    I'm looking forward to hearing about the event, will there be a Twitter hashtag that we can follow?

    cpvr likes this.
  12. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    I'm wondering the same thing since I always have twitter open as well, either on my iPhone, or on the browser on my laptop.
  13. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    I'll need to know about the twitter hashtag, too. I will rise and shine tomorrow morning.
    Brandon likes this.
  14. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    If you find out then please report back for us, I'll be reading first thing in the morning as well.
    If I see it before hand, I'll update one of these threads.
  15. Trombones13

    Trombones13 Regular Member

    I see a few users on Twitter using #ForumCon, which makes the most sense. Note that @ForumCon themselves have not used any conference-specific hashtags on their own account, so I wouldn't expect a lot of encouraged live-tweeting.
    Brandon likes this.
  16. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    I see the hash tag from yesterday, I hope it's active on Twitter.. If not it's rather sad, most big, hell even small, conventions will have an online presence.. I hope the ForumCon people planned that out.

    Here is the link to the "forumcon" search

    If I add the # or @, it'll bring up fewer so I just did the general search.

    Looking forward to hearing what's going to happen today, especially news about vBulletin 5!
  17. Chimpie

    Chimpie Regular Member

    I'm just curious to know how many people attend ForumCon.
  18. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    I'd like to know that as well.
    I know they're 2 hours behind me, so it's 7:30 am right now
    I'm hoping the Twitter feed really starts hopping in another 60-90 mins.
  19. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    Your post could not be far from the truth. #ForumCon was a prominent feature at the event. In fact, there's a dedicated section just for that. So, naturally, I was surprised by Mr. Sheley's comments at the event. I literally laughed at the event.

    I'm making a thread about this right now, but I want to tell you first directly.
    Becasue it was taken place in a hotel with a small lobby, there were only -an estimate at a few hundred people- that attended the event.
  20. Trombones13

    Trombones13 Regular Member

    ...I said "on their own account" and that was before the event had actually started. I now see there was one on May 8, but other than that, they hadn't been using the hashtag in their tweets. I'm glad that they decided to do so (both on their account and through on-site promotion, as you said) during the event, and that others (including Brandon) chimed in as well.

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