Anyone going to ForumCon 2013?

Discussion in 'Community Forum Software' started by Carlos, Mar 21, 2013.

  1. maksim

    maksim Regular Member

    Don't make a huge deal out of being on camera and you will not be nervous. =)

    In all seriousness, this is likely targeted towards small start up forums it seems. Having work groups and panels of the guys who run the major forums now... would probably be better for most...
    Iconic and Brandon like this.
  2. petertdavis

    petertdavis Old Timer

    I'm in the Boston suburbs
  3. fattony69

    fattony69 Regular Member

    I do not want to travel to San Francisco just for a day conference.
    Brandon likes this.
  4. petertdavis

    petertdavis Old Timer

    I half-agree with you, but the way I'd word it is that "I do not want to travel to San Francisco just for a day of being marketed at."
    BamaStangGuy and Brandon like this.
  5. maksim

    maksim Regular Member

    Brandon, maybe you can spin this off... but I am now tempted to host or do something...

    So what topics would be good to have?

    I figure it should be broken down into two sections, or at least 2 days.... one for general/or new forum owners... lead by guys who have the experience and big boards...

    and then having a day for a round table discussion/private just for big board owners. networking.

    And then have a session for everyone to mingle, hang out with the guys who do forums for a living.
    Brandon likes this.
  6. fattony69

    fattony69 Regular Member

    Are we thinking about doing a East Coast Conference? If so, being a Philly boy, I'm in.
    Brandon likes this.
  7. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    I'm always interested in networking with everyone in the flesh, I would do what I could to help. :thumbsup:
    petertdavis likes this.
  8. maksim

    maksim Regular Member

    I am in Princeton, so can easily meet up.
  9. petertdavis

    petertdavis Old Timer

    Personally, I'd like to see something less heavy on the sitting and listening to someone speak and more on something like ad:tech's 'expo floor' of course at a much smaller scale. In other words, instead of sitting in a chair all day and listening to someone pitch to us all day long, to walk around and look at vendor displays and talk to people you want to talk to at your own pace.
  10. fattony69

    fattony69 Regular Member

    Oh, you're close! I used to live out in Hightstown about 4 years ago.
  11. BlckBrd103

    BlckBrd103 Regular Member

    I actually was not planning to go, however, if I do end up going, I'll probably get the ticket around May if not a tiny bit after. I'd be interested in attending it this year if not next if I have the money to attend.
  12. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    I've registered to the event, and got my ticket! :)

    I'm going! I'm going! :D
    Iconic and Brandon like this.
  13. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    Take lots of pictures for us again :)
  14. fattony69

    fattony69 Regular Member

    Still down for helping create an East Coast ForumCon with blackjack and hookers with more discussion.
    Brandon likes this.
  15. spyka

    spyka Regular Member

    I'm always tempted by the rather cheap tickets, but then I check the price of flights from the UK and think better of it!
    iTalk likes this.
  16. petertdavis

    petertdavis Old Timer

    If you think the flights are bad, wait till you see the cost of hotels.
  17. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    Source: ForumCon

    It's quite obvious that they want you guys.
    Brandon likes this.
  18. petertdavis

    petertdavis Old Timer

    That's a pretty good price for SF.
  19. Bill Hughes

    Bill Hughes Regular Member

    ForumCon? A Confrence about forum's. This is my first time I ever heard of it.
  20. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    Well, now you know. :)

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