User Management Improvements

Discussion in 'XenForo Discussions' started by Brandon, Mar 15, 2013.

  1. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    Jun 1, 2009
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    Topeka, Kansas
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    In the first of our spotlights on new features in 1.2, we're going to be looking at 2 user management improvements in particular. Keep an eye on this forum to see when we post more teasers. :)

    Note that any features we demonstrate here are still in development, so things about them may change before they're released in a 1.2 beta.

    User Merging
    The first feature is rather important, though fairly simple to explain. In 1.2, you can now merge 2 users. The "source" user will have all of their content assigned to the "target" user and then the "source" user will be deleted.

    It's very easy to use. From the user edit page in the admin CP, you can choose to merge:


    Bulk User Management
    The other major improvement to user management is that you can now take an action on many users at once. Let's see how it works. First, you simply enter the criteria for the users to want to modify:


    This is just your standard user search form. As it stands, this form is identical to how it is in 1.1, but we'll be expanding it to give more search options.

    Once you enter the criteria and submit the form, you get to see how many users matched along with the ability to view those matches. When you're happy, you can simply choose the action(s) you want to take and submit the form. Done!


    There are still some improvements coming to these features to provide more options, but these should hopefully address one of the short comings in XF 1.1.

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