There are many factors that contribute to setting a value for a domain name this is why you will find various costs for these names when you are out there hunting for a good one for your website. On the other hand you will pretty soon find out that some of them are not only overpriced but are as well over-rated. But let's take each aspect one at a time. Find out the factors that put a value on a domain name:
- The branding of a domain name is probably the most decisive factor in establishing the name value. As it happens for instance with the shopping process everybody is up to find those products that have a reputable brand name.
- The same goes for domain name, the older and reputable a name is, the more money it can make among all the other names. If your domain name is old and popular, then you have good chances to get good money in case you plan on selling it. On the other hand, if you are in the domain reselling field, acquiring all those names that have built over time their reputation, then you have got yourself a good market for selling them.
- Being keyword rich is another factor to set the value of domain name. This feature is in fact the one that attracts the high ranking of a website within the search engine result pages. Choosing a very popular keyword within your domain name, chances are to attract a lot of traffic on your website.
- The potential that each name has can be a very valuable factor in setting the price of a domain name. For instance, having a domain related to a niche that is very profitable, then that name is worth paying a lot of money to obtain it.
However when it comes to measure the monetary value of a domain it is very hard to do this because all that you will look at is only an URL which doesn't earn any income at all. For this fact you will merely assume that one domain name is more valuable over another. It may happen at the same time for a specific domain name to be assumed wrongly in its value and for this fact it can be sold for a higher price than it is really worth paying for.
- Back links that have been already built to direct users to the specific domain name and implicitly to a website can be seen as an important factor for a domain name pricing. For this fact, many sellers will include the back links in the value of a name upon selling it.
At this point you may have to make use of your common sense in correctly assessing a domain name. Just try to realize whether or not this one can be profitable enough to determine you to invest in it that amount of money. With buying a new domain name it will only cost about $10 but if you reach for buying an old reputable one, you would have to pay hundreds if not thousands of dollars. So think twice before making such an investment.

How to Establish the Value of a Domain Name
Buying and Selling domain names online